Burglar's Blade

The Burglar's Blade school brings together techniques invented by bandits, robbers, catburglars, and other ne'er-do-wells across Faerun. The style is a collection of ways a skillful thief can combine sword with skill to discomfit, rob, or at the extreme slay his or her opponents when stealth and guile fail and weapons are drawn. Burglar's Blade can only be used by swordsman capable of making sneak attacks.

Basic Pass

1 – Cutpurse's Lunge: The swordsman lunges at the target, seemingly in all out attack, but instead puts the opponent off balance to snatch away a prize. This attack deals no damage. If successful, the attacker automatically may take any object the target is currently carrying but not holding or wearing (attacker may take worn items that are not secured, such as hats or glasses).

2 – Safecracker: This attack opens a chink in the opponent's armor by prying apart a weak point. The target takes a +2 penalty to AC. The effect is cumulative until the target's AC is 10, then this attack is automatically a sneak attack.

3 – Strike into Shadow: If the target is unaware of the swordsman, immediately following this attack the swordsman may attempt a Hide in Shadows check to remain hidden from the target. If the target was aware of the swordsman, the swordsman may still attempt a Hide in Shadows check at a -20 penalty to become hidden.

4 – Watch the Birdy: The swordsman spins his or her blade, juggling it between hands to draw the target's attention and cause confusion. If another ally attacks the target before it acts, the ally's attack deals double damage. If the target acts before an ally attacks it, the target's attack automatically misses.

Difficult Pass

1Ð2 – Highwayman's Gag: The swordsman drives the pommel of his or her blade into the target's throat, temporarily rendering them mute. The target may not call out for help or make any other utterances for Ð4 rounds. A spellcaster struck in this manner may still attempt to cast a spell with a verbal component, but must make a Spellcraft check at a +4 penalty.

3Ð4 – Steel from Nowhere: The swordsman moves his or her blade in such a quick and unusual manner that the strike comes from a direction the target never expected. This attack is automatically a sneak attack.

5Ð6 – Thief-at-Arms: This disarm attack will work even against an opponent using the two-weapon fighting style, and may even be used on shields or other held items. Opponent must make a successful Strength check at a Ð4 penalty or drop all weapons he is currently holding. If the swordsman makes a successful Dexterity check and has a free hand, he or she may choose to take possession of the disarmed weapon or item. This attack inflicts no damage.

Master Stroke

1Ð2 – Guildmaster's Gambit: The swordsman's skill with blade and burglary allow him or her to render the target bereft of both property and the will to fight. The target immediately drops any held items, and the swordsman may take possession of a held item, or any other carried item or unsecured worn item on the target. The target must make successful save vs. paralyzation or surrender.

3Ð4 – In Through the Back Door: No matter the opponent, the swordsman always finds a way to hurt it. If this attack would normally be a sneak attack but the target is immune to sneak attacks, this attack still counts as a sneak attack.

Death Move

Lifestealer: Opponent is pierced through in a vital area. The target immediately takes maximized sneak attack damage and, if he or she survives, must make a successful system shock roll or fall unconscious. If the target remains conscious, her or she drops his or her weapon. The target will die within 2d4 rounds if not healed magically (cure serious wounds or better).

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