

Human Equipment

Human Melee Weapons

Remember that sharp weapons multiply damage by 2 after armor, while blunt weapons ignore half armor and has no multiplier

Name Damage
Punch 1d4*Strength
Kick 1d4*(Strength+1)
Small Knife 1d4*(Strength)
Large Knife 1d6*(Strength)
Sword 1d8*(Strength)
Greatsword* 1d12*(Strength+1)
Spear 1d6*(Strength)
Mace 1d10*(Strength)
Axe 1d8*(Strength)
Greataxe* 1d12*(Strength+1)
Police Baton 1d6*(Strength)
Bat 1d8*(Strength)
Chainsaw 1d10*(Strength)
Broken Bottle (1d4-1)*(Strength)
Tazer** 1d6*4
Stun Prod** 1d6*6
Power Armor Punch 1d6*Strength
Power Armor Kick 1d6*(Strength+1)

*Weapon requires two hands to wield.
**Causes endurance damage rather than life damage. In addition, the target must pass a Resistance+Willpower roll or lose their next action due to painful muscle cramps.

Human Ranged Weapons

Normal ammo multiplies damage by 2 after armor, armor-piercing ammo ignores half of armor but has no multiplier afterwards, hollow-point ammo doubles armor but multiplies by 3 afterwards.

Name Damage Ammunition Capacity
Thrown Rock 1*Strength N/A
Thrown Knife 1d4*(Strength) N/A
Composite Bow 1d8*(Strength) N/A
Crossbow 1d10*(Strength) N/A
.22 Pistol 1d4*2 10
.32 Pistol 1d6*2 9
.38 Pistol 1d6*3 8
9mm Pistol 1d6*4 10
10mm Pistol 1d6*5 10
.45 Pistol 1d8*4 7
.357 Magnum 1d8*4 6
.44 Magnum 1d6*6 6
9mm SMG@ 1d6*4 30
.45 SMG@ 1d8*4 20
.22 Rifle 1d4*4 10
5.56mm Rifle 1d8*4 30
.30-06 Rifle 1d8*6 10
7.62mm Rifle 1d8*5 10
Shotgun with Birdshot* 1d6*5 8
Shotgun with Buckshot** 1d8*6 8
Shotgun with Slug 1d8*5 8
5.56mm Assault Rifle@ 1d8*4 30
7.62mm Assault Rifle@ 1d8*5 30
7.62mm Sniper Rifle 1d8*5 20
.50 Sniper Rifle 1d10*6 10
5.56mm Machine Gun@ 1d8*4 200
7.62mm Machine Gun@ 1d8*5 100
.50 Machine Gun@ 1d10*6 100
Flamethrower@@ 1d6*2 10
Underbarrel Grenade Launcher & 1
Rotary Grenade Launcher && 6
Flare Gun@@ 1d8 1

*+2 to hit, no post-armor multiplier
**+1 to hit, no post-armor multiplier
@Automatic Weapon
@@Incendiary Weapons do this much damage per turn for 4 turns.
&Can be attached to Assault Rifles, does damage equal to a 40mm grenade, uses Heavy Weapons skill.
&&Does damage equal to a 40mm grenade.

Human Explosives

When dodging explosives, a default hit puts you at Ground Zero. If you beat the attack roll(with your dodge roll) with as many degrees of success as the Ground Zero effect, you are instead affected by the General Effect, and if you beat the attack enough to avoid the General Effect, it puts you in the Maximum Range. Managing to beat the Maximum Range number puts you completely outside of being hit. Being at Ground Zero halves your armor defense.

For instance, if someone throws an Offensive Grenade at you, and rolls a straight 9, just enough to hit you. You would need to roll… a 9(1 success) to avoid the Ground Zero, a 13(3 successes) to avoid the General Effect and a 17(5 successes) to avoid the Maximum Range.

Rockets are assumed to be fired from either disposable one-shot launchers, or a reloadable launcher. Reloadable launchers need reloading between shots, but it may be possible to scrounge additional ammo for them during a mission. One-shot launchers obviously do not benefit from salvaged ammunition, but do not require reloads between shots.

Area of Effect Table
Explosive Type Ground Zero General Effect Maximum Range
Offensive Grenade 1 3 5
Defensive Grenade 2 6 10
40mm Grenade 2 6 10
Mortar Shell 3 8 15
Molotov Cocktail 1 3 -
HE Rocket 2 4 8
AP Rocket* 1 2 5
WP Rocket 2 3 5

*Ignores half of the target's armor on a direct hit.

Each area also has its own damage roll.

Explosive Damage Table
Explosive Type Ground Zero General Effect Maximum Range
Offensive Grenade 1d6*8 1d6*6 1d6*2
Defensive Grenade 1d6*10 1d6*8 1d6*3
40mm Grenade 1d6*12 1d6*10 1d6*4
Mortar Shell 1d8*10 1d8*8 1d8*4
Molotov Cocktail* 1d6 1d4 -
HE Rocket 1d10*8 1d10*5 1d6*2
AP Rocket 1d10*8 1d10*5 1d6*2
WP Rocket** 1d8*5 1d8*3 1d8

*Molotov Cocktails continue to do this much damage per turn, for 4 turns after impact.
**White Phosphorus rockets continue to do 1d6*2 burning damage per round after initial impact on Ground Zero and General Effect, and 1d6 damage per round on a Maximum Range hit. It burns for 6 rounds.

Human Armor

Encumbrance is the penalty that the armor gives to all Strength and Dexterity rolls while worn. It's assumed that armor is generally accompanied by a helmet, but the helmet may in some cases be missing, or may be taken off for the sake of attracting less attention.

Armor Type Protection Encumbrance
Chainmail* 9 1
Platemail* 20 3
Class I Armor 10 0
Class IIa Armor 15 0
Class II Armor 20 1
Class IIIa Armor 25 2
Class III Armor 30 2
Class IV Armor 40 3
Riot Shield** 25 0

*Chainmail and Platemail offer only half protection against bullets.
**Riot Shields obviously only protect against something coming immediately from the front of the carrier.

Misc. Equipment

Equipment Name Effect Cost
Autoscope A bulky automated scope that adjusts for wind speed, bullet drop and other advanced measures while taking aim, allowing the sniper to make a more accurate prediction of where his bullet will land and who it'll kill. The increased size complicates using the weapon to shoot rapidly or "from the hip." +6 to aim rolls with the equipped weapon, -3 to un-aimed attacks with the weapon. 2
Autoscope, Advanced Uses alien computing technology to perform the function of an Autoscope at a fraction of the time. Functions exactly like an Autoscope, except that it's now possible to aim and shoot in the same round, with a multi-action penalty(-3 cumulative). 6
Demolition Charge Proprietary X-COM demolition charges, equipped with simple-to-use timers. They can be programmed for either a general-area or a shaped-charge explosive event. Replaces grenades in terms of carry capacity and do damage equal to HE rockets in general-area mode, or like AP rockets in shaped-charge mode, but are too heavy to be thrown. -
Flashbang If the target fails a Willpower+Dodge roll, they are both blinded and deafened for ten rounds, equal to a -10 to all actions involving sight or hearing(including attacking). The penalty drops by 1 per round. Succeeding at the roll invokes only the hearing penalty as the target manages to look away in time, ear or eye protection may mitigate. -
Hearing Protection -3 penalty to all hearing-related checks, but halves the Hearing penalty from being affected by a Flashbang. -
Psychostimulant Injector Restores 2d6 Essence, penalizes Dexterity, Willpower, Intelligence and Perception by 3 for the next five rounds(in-combat) or thirty minutes(out of combat), increases Strength and Constitution by 1 each for the same duration. May cause feelings of unwarranted invincibility and superiority, may cause hallucinations, may cause eczema, may cause loss of teeth, may cause loss of bone density, may cause mild radiation poisoning, may cause temporary death. X-COM is not responsible for the results of overuse, but would be very interested if you record it before your heart gives out for their research department. Definitely not just diluted meth in an autoinjector. -
Reflex Booster +6 to all Initiative rolls and all multiple action penalties are halved for the next hour. Whenever attacking in the heat of combat, the character must roll Resistance+Willpower or Resistance+Intelligence. For every success, he can choose one target that his attack isn't randomized amongst(similar to being affected by the Berserk psionic power). The character can continue to act until they've lost twice their maximum Life Points. If the Reflex Booster wears off while the character is below 0 Life Points, they will collapse, comatose and in severe need of medical attention. 1
Scope +2 to aim rolls with the equipped weapon, -1 to un-aimed attacks with the weapon. -
Smoke Grenade Creates a field of dense smoke that diffracts laser weaponry to uselessness and provides a -5 to hit anyone on the far side of it. The smoke lasts for five combat rounds outside, though it may last longer in enclosed areas. -

Drone Components

Drones require a character with the Drone Commander quality to put together. If they're damaged in combat, they're fully ready to go by the start of the next mission, if they're destroyed in combat, they spend the next operation in the workshop, and are back on their feet afterwards. Characters with appropriate Engineering skills may be able to accelerate this.

Drones come in two flavours, remote-controlled and independent. Remote-controlled drones take up the Drone Commander's turn to order around, while Independent Drones act on his turn according to his orders. Remote-controlled Drones use the Drone Commander's Driving(Drone) skill in place of their Dodge and Stealth skills, and his Gun and Hand Weapons skills in place of their own. Independent Drones have their skills capped by their owner's Driving(Drone) skill. The Drone cannot reload itself, and requires the assistance of an agent to reload it. Drones start with all their weapons loaded, and the cast may bring up to two reloads for each of its weapons.

Purchased components can be taken off and shelved, and later remounted at no cost, but will not be refunded, the exception is upgrading an Interface or an AI to a more advanced tier, where the previous tier can either be shelved or refunded to partially pay for the upgrade. Drone Commanders can lend or trade each other bought components, but only one character can command a given drone, and each character can command at most one drone.


Simple Drone Interface(0 Points): Penalizes all actions by two due to the rough interface, cannot take multiple actions.

Standard Drone Interface(2 points): No penalties, may take multiple actions at the normal penalty.

Advanced Drone Interface(6 points): No penalties, may take multiple actions at half penalty.

Simple Drone AI(2 points): The drone may act once every two rounds, cannot take multiple actions. May split split 4 points between Guns, Stealth, Hand Weapon, Notice and Dodge. Perception 1.

Standard Drone AI(6 points): The drone will act once per round, cannot take multiple actions. May split 6 points between Guns, Stealth, Hand Weapon, Notice and Dodge. Perception 3.

Advanced Drone AI(12 points): The drone will act twice per round with no multiple-action penalty, cannot take additional multiple actions. May split 8 points between Guns, Stealth, Hand Weapon, Notice and Dodge. Perception 5.


Wheeled(0 points): Two weapon mounts, 30 Life Points, Str, 3 Dex 2.

Hexapod(4 points): Four weapon mounts, 50 Life Points, Str 5, Dex 2

Hovering(4 points): Two weapon mounts, 30 Life Points, Str 2, Dex 4

Flying(8 points): One weapon mount, 20 Life Points, Str 1, Dex 6

Humanoid(16 points): ?


Basic Armor(2 points): 10 armor.

Standard Armor(4 points): 20 armor.

Advanced Armor(8 points): 30 armor.

Alloy Hull Reinforcement(6 points): +10 Life Points, counts as non-human armor for purposes of alien weapon penetration.

Upgraded Vision Modes(2 points): The drone has night vision and thermal vision modes, can take Aim actions.

Advanced Motion Sensors(2 points): +4 to Notice.

Camouflage Hull(2 points): +4 to Stealth.

Electrified Hull(2 points): Counts as a Tazer when ramming enemies or when attacked in melee by an enemy, ten charges.

Self-Destruct Charge(2 points): Can explode like a Mortar Shell on command, takes up an action, and counts as a destroyed drone in terms of rebuilding.

Autoloader(4 points): The drone may carry its own reloads and can spend an action to reload one of its own weapons without assistance. The upgraded weapon takes up an extra weapon mount slot.


Small Auto Weapon(1 point): 1d6*4 damage, 30 rounds, automatic.

Medium Auto Weapon(3 points): 1d8*4, 200 rounds, automatic.

Large Auto Weapon(5 points): 1d10*6, 100 rounds, automatic.

Rocket Launcher(5 points): Loads HE, AP or WP rockets, one round.

Mortar(5 points): Loads mortar shells, 1 round.

Flamethrower(3 points): Flamethrower stats, 10 rounds.

Upgraded Flamethrower(6 points): Alien Flamethrower stats, 10 rounds.

Ramming(0 points): Does not consume a slot, statted as a punch, unlimited ammo, melee range only.

Ramming Spikes(1 point): 1d8*strength damage, unlimited ammo, melee range only.

Small Gauss Weapon(2 point): 1d8*4 damage, 60 rounds, automatic. Halves non-alien armor.

Medium Gauss Weapon(5 points): 1d8*5, 400 rounds, automatic. Halves non-alien armor.

Large Gauss Weapon(8 points): 1d10*7, 200 rounds, automatic. Halves non-alien armor.

Small Laser Weapon(4 point): 1d8*6 damage, 20 rounds. Treat like a laser weapon.

Medium Laser Weapon(10 points): ?

Large Laser Weapon(16 points): ?

X-COM Equipment

X-COM Melee Weapons

Name Damage Cost
Alloy Knife* 1d6*(Strength+1) 1
Alloy Sword* 1d8*(Strength+1) 2
Grav Hammer# 1d10*(?) 8
Vibrosword** 1d8*(Strength+3) 8

*Alien Alloy melee weapons halve conventional human armor.
**Vibroswords are two-handed weapons and involve hauling heavy power packs around. Carrying a Vibrosword results in 1 point of Encumbrance for every point of strength the user has below 5.
#The Grav Hammer is an experimental Elerium-powered weapon intended to cause targets to collapse on themselves by amplifying gravity's effects at the point of impact. Rather than employing the user's strength, it uses the target's Strength+Constitution as a multiplier, making it excellent at taking down bulky targets. The experimental power source only lasts for five hits, however, after which it's simply statted as a normal Mace.

X-COM Ranged Weapons

Name Damage Ammunition Capacity Cost
Alloy Composite Bow 1d8*(Strength+1) N/A 2
Alloy Crossbow 1d10*(Strength+1) N/A 3
Autocannon AP 1d8*8 15 5
Autocannon HE** 1d8*8 15 5
Gatling Laser@# 1d8*8 200 14
Gauss SMG# 1d8*5 50 4
Plasgun## 1d8*9 4 7
Shrapnel Gun* 1d8*7 8 3

*Shrapnel Gun ammo has full effect against alien armor. For every shot, roll a d3. 1: Normal effect. 2: -1 damage(pre-multiplier, cannot become lower than 1), counts as a three-shot burst. 3: -2 damage(pre-multiplier, cannot become lower than 1), counts as a five-shot burst. Shrapnel Gun is a shotgun for purposes of skills.
**Autocannon HE ammo functions like hollowpoint ammunition. Armor has double effect against it, but its post-armor multiplier is triple rather than double as is normal for bullet-type weapons.
@Attempts to dodge laser weapons suffer a -2 penalty due to the near-instantaneous nature of the shot. Laser weapons suffer no range-based accuracy penalties, but instead receive penalties to damage done, -1 to the roll per 50 meters of range. Laser weapons cannot shoot through dense smoke(such as from a fire or a smoke grenade) and may be similarly diffracted by adverse atmospheric conditions.
#Fully automatic weapon.
##Shotgun-type weapon that uses a laser pulse to rapidly turn a block of plastic into a short-lived, short-ranged plasma blast. Listed damage is for melee range, damage multiplier drops by 1 for every five meters of range.

X-COM Armor

Armor Type Protection Encumbrance Cost
Alloyweave Armor* 15 0 4
Light Alloy Armor* 20 2 2
Heavy Alloy Armor* 30 3 4
Standard Powered Alloy Armor*@ 30 0 8
Support Powered Alloy Armor*# 35 0 12
Close Combat Powered Alloy Armor*## 40 0 16

*Alien Alloy Armor has full functionality against Gauss and Plasma weapons
@Power Armor replaces the normal Punch and Kick damage values with new ones(see the melee weapons table for the new values). Power Armor penalizes any Stealth roll by 2.
#Power Armor replaces the normal Punch and Kick damage values with new ones(see the melee weapons table for the new values). Power Armor penalizes any Stealth roll by 2. Support Powered Armor allows an extra weapon or an extra ammo load for each weapon to be carried.
##Power Armor replaces the normal Punch and Kick damage values with new ones(see the melee weapons table for the new values). Power Armor penalizes any Stealth roll by 2. Increases Strength by 2 points while worn.

Alien Equipment

Alien Weapons

Name Damage Ammo Cost
Alien Flamethrower@@ 1d6*5 10 4
Force Pike ? - ?
Gauss Pistol* 1d8*4 20 2
Gauss Rifle*@ 1d8*6 40 4
Gauss LMG*@ 1d8*6 300 6
Gauss Sniper Rifle* 1d8*8 10 6
Heavy Laser#@@@ 1d8*10 10 14
Laser Pistol# 1d8*6 15 8
Laser Rifle# 1d8*8 30 10
Laser Sniper Rifle# 1d8*10 15 14
Stun Launcher** 1d10*6 1 -

*Gauss weapons halve conventional human armor, but still double damage after armor penetration.
**Stun Launchers cause Endurance damage and have an explosive blast. Every category of success on a Dodge roll reduces the damage multiplier by one, and six levels of success are required to entirely avoid the blast. This blast halves conventional human armor when calculating damage, and has no post-armor multiplier.
#Attempts to dodge laser weapons suffer a -2 penalty due to the near-instantaneous nature of the shot. Laser weapons suffer no range-based accuracy penalties, but instead receive penalties to damage done, -1 to the roll per 50 meters of range. Laser weapons cannot shoot through dense smoke(such as from a fire or a smoke grenade) and may be similarly diffracted by adverse atmospheric conditions.
@Fully automatic weapon.
Every following round, for four turns, the flamethrower deals 1d6*3 damage. @The Heavy Laser can make a special sweeping attack that costs two ammo per shot and halves armor penetration, but adds +4 to hit.

Alien Explosive Weapons

Area of Effect Table
Explosive Type Ground Zero General Effect Maximum Range
Elerium Grenade 1 2 -
Elerium Warhead 2 3 -
Explosive Table Cost
Explosive Type Ground Zero General Effect Maximum Range -
Elerium Grenade 1d10*8 1d10*6 - 3 for a pack of 3
Elerium Warhead@ 1d10*10 1d10*8 - ?

@Halves armor before applying damage.

Alien Misc. Equipment

Equipment Name Effect Cost
Alien Entertainment Device To humans, this device produces soothing combinations of light and sound. Humans who are not expecting danger, or humans who examine the device closely, must roll a Willpower+Psionic Resistance check at a -2 penalty. Failure will result in being entranced by the device for up to several minutes, losing track of time. A new check can be attempted every few minutes. Critically failing a check results in addiction. Effects on aliens may be unpredictable. Contains an internal power source with enough energy for several years' of uninterrupted operation. 2
EM Sensor With an Intelligence+Notice roll, this handheld device can be used to detect powerful electromagnetic sources in the area. Only specially shielded devices will be hidden. Will definitely pick up mobile assault machines like Cyberdiscs and Sectopods, but may also detect power substations and charging energy weapons. The quality of the information depends on the number of successes: Any(Detect # of contacts in the general area), 3(Detect general direction of contacts in the general area), 5(Figure out likely sources of contacts in the general area) 4
Heartbeat Sensor With an Intelligence+Notice roll, this handheld device can be used to detect life signs in the area. Only specially shielded or very stealthy/very alien sources will be hidden. Will definitely pick up man-sized creatures, but may also detect pets, farm animals and some forms of industrial machinery. The quality of the information depends on the number of successes: Any(Detect # of contacts in the general area), 3(Detect general direction of contacts in the general area), 5(Figure out likely sources of contacts in the general area) 4
Moth Powder A fist-sized bag containing an unknown, organic substance. It consists of large, irregular, slightly greasy flakes that are a grayish-brown colour and vary in size from a coin to tiny slivers. It's like carrying around a bag of disgusting, alien dandruff. Skin contact or inhalation with the "Moth Dust" results in a -4 penalty to Psionic Resistance and a -1 penalty to Willpower. In practice it makes victims somewhat easily suggestible and prone to doing what they're told, like hypnosis. Can be thrown, or carefully applied at melee ranges. Contains enough "dust" to affect four creatures. 4
Snakeman Regenerative Enzymes When injected, heals 1d6*5 Life Points almost immediately(up to the user's maximum). However, for every 10 life points healed(rounded up), Dexterity is penalized by 1 for an hour due to a build-up of alien materials in the user's joints and musculature which it takes some time for the body to flush out. Two doses permitted per mission. 4
Snakeman Venom, Diluted Increases Strength, Constitution and Willpower by 2 each for about an hour(any resulting increases to max Life Points or Endurance give a corresponding increase to current life points and endurance), while reducing Dexterity and Intelligence by 1 each. May be addictive. At the end of the duration, the user "crashes" for two hours, giving a -1 to Strength, Constitution and Willpower for the duration of the crash. 2
Snakeman Venom, Strong A strength-rating 6 corrosive neurotoxin. Affected targets must make a Resistance+Constitution roll to counter the effects. For every degree of success they get up to 6, they negate some of the poison's effects, and 6 or more degrees of success result in totally shrugging it off. If not completely resisted, the poison does 1d6*(Strength Rating-degree of success) damage that isn't mitigated by armor, as well as applying a 6-(degrees of success) penalty to Strength, Constitution and Dexterity. Anyone dropped into negative max life points by this goes into cardiac arrest and requires immediate medical attention not to die. Contains enough venom to coat 4 arrows, knives or weapons. Melee weapons need their coating restored after each attack. Coating a weapon counts as a normal action and may incur multiple action penalties, coatings older than ten minutes lose half of their strength rating. 4
Snakeman Venom, Vision Quest Mix This potent mix of Snakeman venom as well as a variety of ingredients we've yet to force out of Overwatch, even under threat of taking away her phone, is an effective psychic restorative and defensive mix, but less useful if you're planning on getting into a fight. It's effective for approximately four hours, during which it increases Perception and Willpower by 4 each, while reducing Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence by 2 each, and restores 1d6 Essence(cannot go above the character's maximum). A successful Resistance+(Unmodified Willpower-number of remaining hours of duration) check will allow the user to ignore the stat penalties for one relevant action, but will also reduce the duration by an hour each time they do so. The cheap price is to represent our desire to get this substance off base as quickly as possible. 1
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