Précis List :: Custom Filtered :: Attributes (Type/Star/Gate)
(Rogue Planet/—/Martian):
Type: Rogue
Primary Star: N/A
Gravity: 0.89g
Diameter: 10,850km
Atmospheric Pressure: 1.5 atm
Atmospheric Composition: 84% Hydrogen, 16% Helium
Surface Temperature (Mean): 5 C
Day Length: N/A
Orbital Period: N /A
Satellites: 1
Gate Access: Asteria Gate, Martian Gate
Asteria (Gas Giant/G4V/Pandora): A gas giant captured by an alien Oort cloud. In its orbit lie a Titan research colony, a Scum exploration effort and a boring hypercorp waypoint - which just happens to be the entrance to one of Pathfinder's most secret projects.
Type: Gas Giant
Primary Star: G4V (Yellow Dwarf)
Gravity: 1.1g
Diameter: 101,200km
Atmospheric Pressure: 1.1 atm
Atmospheric Composition: 95% Hydrogen, 3% Helium, 2% Methane
Surface Temperature (Mean): -230 C
Day Length: 6 hours
Orbital Period: 8.8 million years
Satellites: 33
Gate Access: Fissure Gate, Martian Gate, Pandora Gate
Field Report on Asteria:: Sentinel Chika <Info Msg Rep>
So, I've been asked to write another report! Cool, huh?
Asteria was a Greek goddess of falling stars and nocturnal oracles, who turned into a quail and threw herself into the Aegean Sea to escape Zeus and became the island of Otygia. Asteria the gas giant is kind of like that! She was a rogue planet that got kicked out of its system somehow, and spent untold millennia drifting through space before getting caught in the orbit of some distant star. Now she drifts in an alien Oort Cloud, just barely hanging in at 42000 AU away from her star! If that wasn't weird enough, the gas giant spins crazy fast and has an axial tilt close to ninety degrees! Oh, and there are several Pandora Gates in its orbit. All that has attracted a crowd of people who like studying the planet and the (spectacular!) view of space beyond - Asteria is a popular place among extrasolar astronomers.
Asteria was also the name of one of the Alkyonides! Some of Saturn's moons are named after those girls. So, I guess Titan being here fits? They have the biggest habitat here, a nice little place called Solaris near a free-orbiting gate that also serves as a giant observatory. The microcorp Citation Needed runs it - good people with good rep. It's popular with plenty of Argonauts and even hypercorp scientists, if they're allowed.
Speaking of, they have a colony they've dubbed New Oort around another gate on one of Asteria's moons. It's mostly to access Solaris, though. It has a decent saloon! They were going to slap a hotel here, staff it with indentures and sell tickets to the glitterati, but so far Titan and the other colony are making them nervous. Speaking of, the Fissure Gate opens onto another moon here, and the anarchists have set up Gravity's Swag around it - nice place, provided you're okay with a lot of Scum. Apparently they're trying to decide which of the cool stars Citation Needed is looking at to send a really fast ship to. That's going to be one long road trip! The other anarchists are searching the other moons, looking for more gates. No luck yet, though.
Overall, it's a nice place that's worth keeping an eye on. As a research hub Solaris is definitely worth watching - never know what's going to happen with scientists! Someone should probably stay here a while, relax, enjoy the view. Drink this amazing iced tea.
Vance (Chthonian/D2Z/Martian): The headquarters of Ogremoch Engineering, this planet has nothing particularly interesting going for it besides its proximity to a white dwarf. Someone might have followed Ogremoch here, though.
Type: Chthonian
Primary Star: D2Z (White Main Sequence Dwarf)
Gravity: 0.65g
Diameter: 16,500km
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.05 atm
Atmospheric Composition: Trace metals
Surface Temperature (Mean): -220 C (nightside), 5 C (terminus), 230 C (dayside)
Day Length: N/A (Tidal Lock)
Orbital Period: 1 week
Satellites: None
Gate Access: Martian Gate
Excerpted from Exoplanet Wiki: Vance
Vance is a chthonian planet, the rocky core of a gas giant after its atmosphere has been stripped away by its parent star - in this case, a white dwarf. It is the innermost of six planets, all dead.
Discovered in early 10 AF, Vance is currently owned by Ogremoch Engineering. Little else is known about the planet, as negotiations to install an Argonaut base there have yet to be finalised.
Founded in 7 AF by roboticist <Noah Foster> and named after an earth elemental from an old fantasy game, Ogremoch tests its founder's inventions and explores new ways to apply technology to resource mining and extraction. It currently owns a quarry and virtual offices on Mars, a proof-of-concept automated mining outpost in the Main Belt, and the exoplanet of <Vance>.
Ogremoch Engineering is known for its treatment of indentures (earning it a good reputation among Barsoomians) and the sealing of several lucrative deals, including the acquisition of Vance over Starware; however, the hypercorp is more interested in research and development than expansion. Current clients include Fa Jing, Starware and RegolEX.
Mei Houwang
Mei Houwang (Hot Jupiter Moon/K7V/Martian): This cramped colony was originally founded by prospectors in the wake of some major xenoartifact discoveries, but the supply dried up faster than expected. Now an alliance of hypercorps has stepped up to "utilize" the gas giant and its stranded colonists who can't afford to leave.
Type: Terrestrial Jovian Moon
Satellite Of: Feng Bo (Hot Jupiter)
Gravity: 0.3g
Diameter: 4,400km
Atmospheric Pressure: 1.2 atm
Atmospheric Composition: 62% Nitrogen, 32% Carbon Dioxide, 4% Oxygen
Surface Temperature (Mean): 20 C
Day Length: 21 days
Orbital Period: 48 hours
Satellites: None
Gate Access: Martian Gate
Type: Gas Giant
Primary Star: K7V (Yellow Dwarf)
Gravity: 1.23g
Diameter: 110,200 km
Atmospheric Pressure: 1.3 atm
Atmospheric Composition: 90% Hydrogen, 6% Helium, 2% Methane
Surface Temperature (Mean): 1,100 C
Day Length: 25 days
Orbital Period: NA (Tidal Lock)
Satellites: 42
Gate Access: Martian Gate (via Mei Houwang)
Field Report on Feng Bo:: Sentinel Leigh <Info Msg Rep>
The number of people on Feng Bo that want to be there is basically zero.
Sure, the sky's pretty - four score and change moons and a puffy Saturn practically kissing its star's dick, you're going to see some amazing sights when the radiation shields aren't up. That gets boring after the first few months, though, and while Fucanglong gets called a lot of things - some even compliments - none of them are "nice to look at".
Fucanglong was gouged out of the rock around the Gate scant years after the Consortium got into the exoplanet business. Some gatecrashing team hit jackpot with a couple caches of alien relics stashed away on the moon (on top of the exploitable resources elsewhere in the system) and made some frankly ludicrous bank; last I heard, they all moved to Titan where the real action is and are still people to watch on the X-net. Look up Madame Mirabelle sometime if you're curious, but I'm here to talk about the people who came after - exoplanet "scientists" looked at the maps, crunched some numbers and estimated that there could be hundreds of little caches left undiscovered on that moon alone. The Consortium decided they were on that like libertarians on bad ideas, and soon a wave of prospectors seeking their own fortunes rushed in as a settlement named after a treasure-guarding dragon was carved out to temporarily house them until a better city could be built.
It took less than a year for the relic well to run dry.
This put everyone in a bit of a pickle, as you can imagine - a lot of people had taken a gamble on this place, even brought their families here, and they couldn't exactly afford a return ticket. The corps slowed expansion of Fucanglong and left those who didn't sign up for another round of indenture just to get back to Mars to eke out what living they could, scrounging minor artifacts from the moon's surface and mounting long, dangerous trips to the other moons to do some more scrounging there. Other hypercorps slowly moved in to fill the void, co-opting the moon's "potential labour pool" for mining operations, corp-funded xenoarchaeological expeditions and spacecraft experiments in the gas giant's hot, radiation-heavy atmosphere.
The goal of nearly every colonist here is to leave. If you're not indentured, you're working for a hypercorp and scraping money for a ticket. If they won't hire you or it doesn't appeal, though, there are a few options. There's a thriving prostitution business thanks to the bored executives in the corp district - mostly staffed by the family of workers on long trips to other moons. The minor Bad Tortoise Triad is always looking for errand-runners when they're not fucking you over - they started as infugees who just happened to be moved here, and even they don't want to stay. If you're not fucking someone on Feng Bo, you're being fucked.
So, what's the place like? Most of it's a network of narrow canyons, up to ten stories tall in places and too narrow for vehicles. It's wall-to-wall buildings everywhere you look - apartments and shops were stacked on top of each other without consulting an architect, except maybe one who was tripping balls, and many of the upper ones are accessible only by the network of stairs, ladders and makeshift walkways the residents have slapped together everywhere. It's cramped, crowded and could use more maintenance than it gets - some people actually prefer pitching tents in the caves and unfinished alleys outside the town, where indentures and their cases usually sleep between construction shifts.
Oh, unless you're in the little hypercorp district in Fucanglong's center. There it's cool and airy, with white tiled surfaces and a much lower population density. Rather lovely, really, unless you're the guy fucking people in its hotels for cred while your wife is an indentured infomorph for some surveying company. Then, a little less lovely.
Posted by: Quaterina the Barsoomian <Info Msg Rep>
Hypercorps active on Feng Bo, filtered for reprehensibleness notability:
- ExoTrek: The prospecting/survey experts sell their services for xenoarchaeological expeditions, though they'd probably rather everyone got over it and let them do some real prospecting. At the moment they employ a lot of infomorph indentures.
- Fa Jing: Fa Jing runs multiple operations across Feng Bo's moons, particularly Dòu-zhànshèng-fó, Sūn Wùkōng and Xíngzhě. Their suits have a grander reputation for being pillocks than usual; rumour is Fa Jing assigns execs to Feng Bo as a form of punishment.
- Feng Bo Five: This xenoarchaeology corp was founded by some of the few prospectors who struck before the relics dried out. Now that they've bootstrapped their way to the top, these plonkers seem determined to muscle other prospectors out of the business and are rushing to scan as much of the system as possible hoping to score the easy relics. They think they're the dog's bollocks, but everyone I've talked to hates them.
- Fujizo: This consortium uses Feng Bo to test a few of its ship designs in the unusual atmosphere of the gas giant, mostly using indentures sleeved in Fujizo cases. Most of the clanking masses here are stamped with their logo, and Fujizo uses them to experiment with methods of built-in obsolescence.
- Fusang Dreams: Fusang is a "xenoarchaeology and astrosociology consulting enterprise" run by Titanian exiles which mostly tries to invite themselves to other people's expeditions and use legal wrangling to steal as many relics and profits as they can. They've fooled a few people, but it's likely some hypercorp is going to get bored and crush them soon. Probably in with the local crime element.
- Galatea Engineering: This habitat design corp uses Feng Bo to test radiation shielding designs and other engineering projects. Really know their onions. They still use indentures, but provide steady, safe work and are thus seen by the locals as their best ticket out of here.
- Kui Xing Technical: Kui Xing is a xenoarchaeology and metaconsulting corp which does deep, thorough searching of the places regular prospectors couldn't reach looking for bits and bobs they missed, and hooks up other outfits with suppliers, advisors and crashers. Also seen as good, steady work, but they have a (tad deserved) reputation for workers going a little technical on the job.
- Peng Communications: Peng is present throughout the system, but mostly known for vetting messages before they're sent to Mars. Some of the other corps pay them a "human resources fee" to censor requests to outsiders for financial or legal assistance. They used to alter messages to family to say "I'm getting so rich here! Bring the kids!" but that plan was scuppered when they got their asses sued off. The suits responsible were thrown to the wolves and replaced with new suits, who decided to make up the lost revenue by taking kickbacks from the triads for giving them uncensored message space to use (and sell).
- Phoenix Tail: A subsidiary of Medusan Shield who protect Fucanglong, or at least most of it. They mostly patrol the hypercorp district and the nearby worker's district. They favour Asian combat morphs with flashy red-and-yellow smart outfits in the hypercorp district, and proper armour outside. While they keep the workers in line and are prepared for alien threats, they mostly ignore the distant alleys and dangerous caves where the triad rules. For those places they've set up the Fucanglong Rangers, who are mostly made of poor local saps and in Bad Tortoise's pocket anyway.
- Sanzuwu Science: This corp maintains a research facility and a helium mining outfit in the system, but avoids Fucanglong as much as possible. Many of its workers hit up the town for entertainment every few weeks and are probably smuggling drugs and XP into the system.
- Tu Er ShEntertainment: This minor corp runs several bars, brothels and other entertainment outlets around Fucanglong, particularly catering to the bored suits in the corp district. Founded by locals who were already making a little extra dosh off corporate punters, with the help of the triad. More or less a triad front.
Pathfinder Corporation Internal Memo
Code BB-91PD-Alpha
Company Security Level 0
Security Class ABACUS-X1
From: <encrypted>
To: <encrypted>
Now that Iago is working for Project Daisy, everyone from Erlang Infologics has been accounted for.
I need authorization for either a special team to chase the rest up or a list of other potential hires we can talk to. Recommend the latter, but use your discretion.
Blunderbore (Terrestrial/B8V/Eos): This address was given to Omnicor by the Factors, and leads to the surprisingly intact ruins of a recent civilisation which suffered its own Fall event. This planet only really exists in Firewall's records, and with any luck it'll stay that way.
Type: Terrestrial (Earth-like)
Primary Star: B8V (Blue-White Dwarf)
Gravity: 0.49 g
Diameter: ~8,100 km
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.7 atm
Atmospheric Composition: 62% Nitrogen, 29% Oxygen, 6% Carbon Dioxide, 3% Helium
Surface Temperature (Mean): 16 C
Day Length: 54 hours
Orbital Period: 18 years (estimated)
Satellites: 1
Gate Access: Eos Gate, Martian Gate
Much of this exoplanet's flora - particularly the pollen of much of the grass that covers it - affects the transhuman mind.
- Grass: The pollen of this world's grass acts as a nootropic when inhaled, stimulating idea production, improving concentration and enhancing alertness. Users receive a +5 bonus to COG and INT while the effects last. As a side-effect, users also tend to have deep, profound thoughts, or at least think they are having deep, profound thoughts. An appreciation of art coupled with a belief that everything is art, a desire to step back and appreciate life but not get any work done, and a belief that one can write some amazing poetry about The Man are all common. It's like being at college, only there's no marijuana.
- Black Flowers: The black flowers being fabricated near the space elevator here seem to carry something similar to the Watts-McLeod virus, and act as a psi-opener drug (Grok) when inhaled.
- Red Flowers: Properties unknown, but a species of vine near the space elevator caused a flat morph to have some sort of reaction and suffer heat issues.
Hitodama (Terrestrial/M3V/Martian): This ugly brother of Mars is important for one reason only: some previous civilisation has used a piece of its landscape as a garbage dump for hazardous materials.
Type: Terrestrial (Martian)
Primary Star: M3V (Red Dwarf)
Gravity: 0.41 g
Diameter: 9,900 km
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.5 atm
Atmospheric Composition: 86% Carbon Dioxide, 6% Nitrogen, 4% Sulfur Dioxide, 2% Methane, 2% Oxygen
Surface Temperature (Mean): -35 C
Day Length: 20 hours
Orbital Period: 87 days
Satellites: 1
Gate Access: Martian Gate
From: Steven Nakamo
To: Simone Washington
I'll forward you everything once I get a reply from Pathfinder on something, but here's what we know so far:
• It sucks.
Just kidding! There's more.
• The atmosphere is toxic.
• Hitodama is volcanically active. Nothing dangerous near the gate, but it's definitely not helping the atmosphere.
• There are some oceans. No idea what's in them. We'll look later if it comes up.
• Plant life exists in tiny amounts, is mostly black to human eyes.
• I hope you like rocks and bumpy terrain.
• Yes, those ruins!
It's quite a dump, isn't it? Those ruins look like they're worth it though, and not just to me - looks like we were competing with a few hypercorps for a look. Pathfinder will be wetting their beaks, of course, but with our research rights we should be able to work on our findings ourselves. Before you freak out, I ran everything by Wally and he says it's tighter than you. Just kidding! About the last part, Wally says it's fine.
I've got a few other things I want to talk to you about, but I need a reply from Pathfinder first. Talk to you soon, okay?
Pathfinder Corporation Security Memo
Code PM-87DD-Alpha
Company Security Level 1
Security Class GLENGARRY-A7
From: Gate Services Auditor Sunohara Takahashi
To: Gianmarco Mariani, Herzog Security
So as you heard, we decided to sell the contract for the latest exciting new hellhole to Nakamo Group and they've indicated that they intend to seek extra security. Apparently their leader believes an old employer is out to get him, and while I'm not sure about that, it's coming out of his pocket so it's his prerogative. Besides, something about those ruins screams "danger!" to me.
Ideally we'd like to arrange the hiring of a Consortium-friendly security team, rather than outsourcing it. (Normally I'd just direct him to the Extropians, but the suits aren't sure who should see this shit yet.) Unfortunately, he's worried about his "old employer" calling in favours with a fellow hypercorp, and as paranoid as he is, it's a mutually beneficial deal we'd rather not lose.
Could we borrow your expertise? I'm sure he'll be doing his own research, but I want to know what his options are and which ones we should be steering him into. Usual rate, plus I'll buy you a night's worth of beer.
To: Shichirou Koizumi
From: <Encrypted>
Security Clearance Tengu Four
So, it looks like our traitorous "Binbōgami" didn't crash and burn after defecting, at least not yet. His dishonorable outfit just grabbed the research rights to some potentially MAJOR exoplanet ruins - based off the first-in footage alone we're projecting a 65% chance of profit, even if the oceans are as dead as they look.
Shichirou, I know I can count on you. Check his files and see if there are any loopholes that apply here. Ideally, we'd like a reason to claim Nakamo Group's rights, research and future profits while these potential relics are still in situ, but we'll settle for any reason to follow them to Hitodama with a security team. If you need any information you don't have access to, send me an explanation and I'll see what I can do.
If you pull this off, there's a BIG reduction in your indenture for you - and a potential promotion when it's done. Do your best, Shichirou.
Kringle (Terrestrial/M0V/Martian): A frozen world which connects to many other Martian Gate planets, this world is used as a transport hub by Pathfinder for efficiency reasons. It is also the secret supply depot of the Gate Gang.
Type: Terrestrial (Frozen)
Primary Star: M0V (Red Dwarf)
Gravity: 0.3 g
Diameter: 6,500 km
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.5 atm
Atmospheric Composition: 70% Nitrogen, 20% Oxygen, 2% Carbon Dioxide
Surface Temperature (Min/Mean/Max): –80 C/-40 C/0 C
Day Length: 2 days
Orbital Period: 1.5 months
Satellites: 1
Gate Access: Martian Gate
[Plaintext Mode Engaged]
guan.gate.gang.general - Potential Security Risk?
SECURITY.FORK [Today, 11:47 AM]
Potential security risk: < Casey Luna > spotted on Kringle, advertising new security corp. Analysis suggests risk entered with Mars Group B. Attachments follow.
⅜∞ [Today, 11:48 AM]
Oh hey, I remember her from the Park! This is a really bad place for a shootout though.
∂V [Today, 11:49 AM]
LogicalJac [Today, 11:52 AM]
Well, most of our operation's welded pretty tightly to the legit stuff, so it'd be pretty hard to dismantle… still, we should take precautions. Want I should take a few non-essentials offworld?
∂V [Today, 11:54 AM]
I'll PM you a list. We're not going anywhere, though.
Gateway Drug [Today, 11:55 AM]
She could just be here to sell her new corp
∂V [Today, 11:57 AM]
Just in case, here's the plan so far:
Jac takes the data and items I requested and gets out of here. I'll call when you're cleared to come back.
⅜∞, when you're back, try to investigate.
Everyone else lay low or stay somewhere near Pathfinder guards/civvies if you can't. Where is she right now?
SECURITY.FORK [Today, 11:58 AM]
Risk not found.
∂V [Today, 11:59 AM]
Oh for fuck's sake.
rOhm [Today, 12:01 AM]
When we find her, what's the plan?
∂V [Today, 12:03 AM]
Depends what she's doing.
If she looks like she's investigating, stage an accident at the convention. They'll offer a free resleeving and body repair, and that's when she's vulnerable.
Gateway Drug [Today, 12:05 AM]
If she heads back to the Gate we could have someone dial the wrong planet, heh
∂V [Today, 12:08 AM]
I'll think about it. If it doesn't look suspicious, leave her alone.
Bonobobobo [Today, 12:10 AM]
I could seduce her.
∂V [Today, 12:12 AM]
And what would that do?
Bonobobobo [Today, 12:12 AM]
Don't worry, I have a plan!
∂V [Today, 12:15 AM]
Is the plan to have sex with her?
Bonobobobo [Today, 12:15 AM]
Well, that's a step.
∂V [Today, 12:18 AM]
[Plaintext Mode Engaged]
guan.gate.gang.general - Onsen Pickup Time!
Bonobobobo [Today, 09:15 AM]
I feel like hitting up the onsen tonight but I'd feel like an idiot going alone. What's the hottie situation like at the convention? Any gender, preferably human.
⅜∞ [Today, 09:30 AM]
All the hotties or the ones you can afford?
Bonobobobo [Today, 09:31 AM]
LogicalJac [Today, 10:02 AM]
Well the spring complex will be full of people tonight, you can just pick up there! That guy at the Serdan stand, though – WOW. I bet you could bounce a quarter off every part of him. The Hotu Matua guy is yummy too.
⅜∞ [Today, 10:05 AM]
Hell yeah he is. Other than that… There's the Yatsugatake girl in the Corp Dome lounge with the amazing ass, I wouldn't mind seeing some of her magic tricks… that purple-haired Pathfinder rep has gorgeous shoulders… or that crasher with the rainbow highlights looks like she'd be a tiger in the sack. And basically all the Extropian girls look wild.
Bonobobobo [Today, 10:10 AM]
B likes the foreigners with the funny hair? BIG SURPRISE.
⅜∞ [Today, 10:16 AM]
Gateway Drug [Today, 10:21 AM]
I volunteer to distract Maya Shu Liu. I bet she'd do anything for a story~
LogicalJac [Today, 10:22 AM]
Gateway Drug [Today, 10:25 AM]
LogicalJac [Today, 10:27 AM]
So anyway, I've mostly been hanging out in the Crasher Dome, and they're going to have some great parties every night. I think I'll just see where the night takes me. Anyway, we'll be here for days, right?
Bonobobobo [Today, 10:30 AM]
Yeah, but why skip tonight when I can make it with some stranger I'll never see again?
rOhm [Today, 12:01 AM]
You are all far too confident in your ability to pick up.
[Plaintext Mode Engaged]
guan.gate.gang.general - Enrique?
⅜∞ [Today, 7:00AM]
Reiss! Guess who's here?
rOhm [Today, 7:11 AM]
Yes yes, I know Enrique is here. He doesn't know we're here, though.
⅜∞ [Today, 7:15AM]
Should we be putting him down for an auction spot?
rOhm [Today, 7:21 AM]
It's up to Auctioneer, but I don't see why not. If Pathfinder wasn't breathing down his neck we'd still be doing business.
LogicalJac [Today, 7:51 AM]
Are we allowed to get autographs?
rOhm [Today, 7:21 AM]
Knock yourself out.
Bonobobobo [Today, 09:31 AM]
Oh man, some of the others are here too! I cannot get enough of Payzo. No Cortexa though :(
LogicalJac [Today, 09:47 AM]
Biff ♥
⅜∞ [Today, 09:56 AM]
Why am I not surprised that you'd pick the flat?
Bonobobobo [Today, 09:58 AM]
Come on man, I've seen sylphs that aren't as hot. That's natural beauty.
Anyway, I didn't say I was going to be weird. I'll probably just get an autograph, maybe a signed picture?
⅜∞ [Today, 10:01 AM]
Good man.
Bonobobobo [Today, 10:03 AM]
Wouldn't mind fucking her brains out though.
⅜∞ [Today, 10:06 AM]
Gateway Drug [Today, 10:19 AM]
Haha, flat fucker? Gross
Bonobobobo [Today, 10:20 AM]
- +
- Firewall Science Wiki: Yatsugatake Park
- Sentinel Report: Taco
- Sentinel Report: Hotaru
- Sentinel Report: Athena
[file not found]
Yatsugatake Park is a research park located approximately west of Pavonis Mons. The hypercorps and organisations within have put together their resources to purchase cheap land on which to build their own homes, offices and labs. The initiative is also bankrolled by the Argonauts, who have received an agreement to open-source much of their discoveries in turn, and MIT maintains a satellite campus here.
The atmosphere of this town is very relaxed and carefree, with much of its population comprised of young, bright scientists and science fans with new ideas and an "indie" attitude - unrestricted by the regulations and strict requirements of larger hypercorps, many work odd hours and all are free to pursue their own pet projects. Most of these groups comprise less than ten people, and have become notable for small but significant contributions to their respective fields. Despite attempts to poach their best workers by larger corps (particularly Cognite and Omnicor), they remain fiercely independent and maintain ties to autonomist and Barsoomian interests. @-rep and r-rep is favoured here.
In alphabetical order, the corps and groups are:
- Aleph Seven – Five mathematicians, two of which are Nobel Prize winners, and two AGIs. When not crunching math problems they do cryptography, algorithms and detective work.
- Bunbunmaru^2 – The home of science blogger Maya Shu Liu, who collects science news from across the system and beyond through her own contacts. Lives entirely off her reputation.
- Crikey Wombat – Smart animal lab assistants and menton-style uplift bodies.
- Enigmatics – a cutting-edge computer science corp which develops software and AI for scientific research purposes and performs grey hat work clearing out security flaws in complex technological systems, like morphs loaded with implants. Occasionally develops gatecrashing software.
- Hakurei Industries – Social networking and antivirus software as well as several small robotics projects, all pet projects of its members.
- Komachi-Tec – Researches neuralware that help scientists understand the world better. Known to dip into into overclocking. Current slogan: "Helping you cross the river of knowledge!"
- Meson-C – A relatively serious group of boffins experimenting in particle physics and spacecraft propulsion. Have built up no small amount of capital making physics edusofts.
- Moriya Corp – A science metaconsultancy firm which leverages a wide network of lobbyists, analysts and boffins to create think tanks on the fly to suit the client's needs.
- Nanodyn – A nanoprogramming hypercorp which develops swarms for specialist tasks.
- Uni-Sol – A copyration consisting of astrophysicist Richard Hamdorf and approximately 7-20 forks, depending on his workload. Though publically these are swiftly-reintegrated beta forks, it is an open secret that Richard frequently runs them for days at a time. Often contracted by Pathfinder to study astronomical phenomena.
- Turbo Science – A group of terraformers, engineers and nanoscientists who work on odd theoretical problems, like how to mark hazardous waste sites to ward off future civilisations.
- Vulcan Incorporated – A chemistry hypercorp which performs contract work for several larger corps (including Omnicor) while doing interesting things with exotic materials. Known, legal purchaser of xeno-chemicals.
Neo-Hominid (Bonobo) :: Male :: Luna :: Argonaut
@-rep: 48 [info]
c-rep: 46 [info]
e-rep: 18 [info]
g-rep: 47 [info]
i-rep: 64 [info]
Codename: Taco
Agent Status: Sentinel
Security Clearance: ████
Proxy Rating: ██-███
Proxy: ██████ [history]
Missions: 176 taken [history]
Skills: Biological Hazard Response, Investigation, Social Engineering, Stealth [more]
Morph: Neo-Bonobo (World of Gorilla RB-2 Rust Bonobo) [details]
Implants: Standard Neo-Hominid Augmentations, Access Jacks, Circadian Regulation, Clean Metabolism, Enhanced Respiration, Medichines, Muscle Augmentation, Multi-Tasking, Skillware, Temperature Tolerance [details]
Notes: Taco (the name he prefers in most situations) was uplifted by the now defunct uplift hypercorp Simiaxiom in 15 BF and indentured until he escaped to Luna during the Fall and erased much of his public data. He currently performs white-collar work for Somatek.
Taco treats his role in Firewall as a full-time job and amuses himself by searching Mars for things to warn Firewall about in his downtime. Taco is pragmatic, resourceful and professional with a wide range of skills, traits which saw him assigned to special ops after the success of the ██████ mission. Taco has been approved for proxy status but has explained that he would like to complete his current project at Somatek first.
Psychological profiling portrays Taco as a pessimist who treats most people as expandable and is demonstrably willing to do almost anything logical to protect transhumanity, including blackmail, homicide, WMDs and money laundering. Outside missions and to many Firewall members, though, he is quite friendly and polite. His proxy assessment indicated some signs of Zaius Disorder, but deeper analysis mostly disproves it. His last check-up was on ███. [complete profile]
Neo-Avian (Raven) :: Female :: Martian :: Argonaut
@-rep: 42 [info]
c-rep: 21 [info]
e-rep: 28 [info]
r-rep: 51 [info]
i-rep: 55 [info]
Codename: Nucleus
Agent Status: Sentinel
Security Clearance: ███████
Proxy Rating: ██-███
Proxy: ██████ [history]
Missions: 44 taken [history]
Skills: Physics (Nuclear, Particle, Theoretical), Demolitions, Technological Hazard Response [more]
Morph: GensoCorp “Yatagarasu” Winged Exalt v. 7.0.1 [details]
Implants: Standard Augmentations, Wings, Access Jacks, Circadian Regulation, Ghostrider Module, Hand Laser, Medichines, Mnemonic Augmentation, Skillware, Ultraviolet Vision [details]
Notes: Hotaru is a junior Argonaut and freelance scientist for several hypercorps, most recently Omnicor, Lucky Star Group and Black Sun Microsystems ([more]). Despite her upbringing, she prefers winged human morphs.
As a Sentinel, Hotaru has proven useful for her science skills, high r-rep and eidetic memory, and has shown great interest in contributing to internal research projects.. During missions she enjoys taking risks and entering combat; initially she was trigger-happy and impulsive, but since being assigned to Sentinel Taco she has shown considerable improvement in her behaviour and may be a future candidate for a ███████ position pending review.
Her psychological profile is very promising, with an excellent health record. Though she remains reckless and careless, Hotaru can overcome these drawbacks if required. Absolutely terrified of █████. Her last check-up was on ███. [complete profile]
ADDENUM: As of 9.4.9, Hotaru is banned from contacting the WMD server without permission for 1 year.
Human :: Female :: Martian :: Hypercorp
@-rep: 14 [info]
c-rep: 29 [info]
i-rep: 59 [info]
Codename: Paladin
Agent Status: Sentinel
Security Clearance: ████
Proxy Rating: ██-███
Proxy: ██████ [history]
Missions: 87 taken [history]
Skills: Security Ops, Investigation, Urban Tracking [more]
Morph: Fury (Skinasthesia nValkyrie GTX 490) [details]
Implants: Standard Fury Augmentations, Access Jacks, Adrenal Boost, Medichines, Respirocytes, Temperature Tolerance (improved cold) [details]
Profile: Athena Desveaux is a citizen of Elysium and an EPM Tactical Squad soldier. Unlike most of the EPM Tacs, Athena used to freelance for several security hypercorps and is actually competent.
Athena was recommended for special ops after notable successes in early missions despite spectacular errors of judgement by her fellows, including salvaging the ████ ████ mission and helping contain the ████████ exsurgent outbreak. Her skills and stubborn refusal to fail missions have made her a valuable asset so far. An offer of promotion to Proxy status is currently open, though she has turned it down out of a desire to maintain her day job and seek employment as a Ranger.
Her psychological profile is troubling. Firewall missions have caused her to miss several response calls and diminish her chances of promotion or Ranger work; this combined with mission stress appears to have resulted in major depression. At the urging of her teammates, Athena has booked weekly counselling sessions with ████████ in order to remain useful. Her last check-in was on ███. [complete profile]
Wandjina (Tidally-Locked Ocean/K0V/Pandora): A nexus world popular with the Argonauts and, until recently, the site of a xenodeist-run beach resort.
Type: Tidally-Locked Ocean Planet
Primary Star: K0V (Orange Dwarf)
Gravity: 0.69 g
Diameter: 9,300 km
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.7 atm
Composition: 79% Nitrogen, 19% Oxygen, 2% Argon
Surface Temperature (Mean): -32C (nightside), 9 C (terminus), 47C (dayside)
Day Length: N/A (Tidal Lock)
Orbital Period: 6 months
Satellites: One
Gate Access: Pandora Gate
Excerpted from a Gatekeeper report by Diego Roosevelt, Titan Autonomous University, 9 AF
Wandjina's surface environment is superficially similar to other tidally locked exoplanets such as Sunrise. With no day/light cycle, half of the planet is an icy crust concealing an ocean of icy water, while the other half is covered in steaming hot water. The terminus, a 1,500km wide ocean strip wreathed in perpetual twilight, ranges between -10 to 16C and is constantly affected by winds ranging from a strong breeze to a moderate gale. Much unlike other tidally-locked worlds, however, Wandjina is almost entirely deep ocean, with island pockets covering 3% of its surface (not counting the icy crust).
Below the surface, Wandjina's deep oceans contain reefs which can reach up to hundreds of kilometres in length. Most of Wandjina's life clusters here, though small pockets are known to inhabit hydrothermal vents and other volcanic hot spots and swim deep under the surface of the cold side. The most common life-form is a seal-like creature (the Exoseal) which can range deep into the seas towards either pole, though large squid and megajellies have been known to prey on them. The life under the terminus alone will take decades to catalogue.
As I will attempt to outline in this report, Wandjina's unique structure has resulted in some extremely unusual and hardy forms of aquatic life which I believe merit a full-scale research expedition.
Field Report on Wandjina:: Sentinel Eckardt <Info Msg Rep>
Wandjina is a stupid planet for assholes. There, I said it.
Dim light: Check. Constant winds: Check. Harsh climate: Check. Shitty weather: Friggin' check. (The terminus is windy, the day side loves rain something fierce, and don't get me started on the night side.) Wildlife common and dangerous: Check, if you try to avoid the shitty climate. (Little-reported fact: there are alien crocodiles, and they love those islands.) Just for bonus points, the Gate sits on an island just far enough into the dark side to freeze your face off.
Fortunately, Sol has produced no shortage of stupid assholes. Wandjina is an ideal site for aquatic researchers and morphs, if that's the sort of thing you're into. The argonauts maintain a base around the Gate and have a bearable habitat on one of the islands a short sail into the terminus (in an effort to make it less bearable, they have named it Vanilla Ice Cream). It's a popular place to visit and the usual port of call for newcomers to the system, though I wouldn't recommend staying here long. A lot of gatecrashers appear to be drawn here in the belief that there must be more Pandora Gates somewhere, like Sunrise, and since connections have been discovered to Pandora and Portal so far there are always anarchists coming and going.
A small colony of neo-cetaceans has taken up residence in the massive (2200km, I'm told) ocean reef of Baralku, 500km from VIC towards the day side. I haven't been, but apparently they want to establish a mercurial colony there anyway, so staying away is fine by me. Other than that, only a sad group of xenodeists running the island of Dunwich (apparently the view makes this place popular with xenodeist pilgrims, who are a special kind of stupid) and a handful of Titanian microcorp outfits studying the oceans can be found here.
It's a nice place to visit, but you don't want to live here.
<Access Level 4: Anonymizing Activated>
A: Vanilla Ice Cream?
B: Deja vu! Apparently there's a debate over whether to rename it New Hobart. We're probably not interested in that.
A: Interesting. What are the odds there's another Pandora Gate here?
C: Update! There's actually a good chance Baralku contains a Pandora Gate: <Link>
D: Vanilla. Ice Cream.
A: I knew it! It's probably not too big a deal, though.
E: Another update! The argonauts finally worked out <Crowley> connects here.
A: Is Crowley secure?
B: They took the crab apart and somehow managed to glass the underwater base with an antimatter bomb, so definitely probably fine.
A: Pathfinder must be pissed. Sabotage ops are probably low priority right now, though.
C: When aren't they pissed? Anyway, how soon do you think it'll be until more gates turn up?
B: Well, apparently Wandjina is a stupid planet for assholes, so has anyone checked the poles yet? I know if I were making a stupid planet for assholes, I'd put one there. Oh, maybe in the high-pressure ocean depths with the megajellies. Or low orbit, passing over both poles. Just to really fuck with people.
E: Given the potential for extra Pandora gates here, I recommend assigning mid-tier priority to information coming from this world.
A: Done. Any other questions?
F: Seriously, fucking Vanilla Ice Cream?
Mahou (Terrestrial/B7V/Martian): This world, littered with the ruins of a strange, lizard-like alien race, was recently host to a few episodes of the popular vid series Sword of Pandora.
Type: Terrestrial (Earth-like)
Primary Star: B7V (Blue-White Dwarf)
Gravity: 1.08 g
Diameter: 12,600km
Atmospheric Pressure: 1.5 atm
Composition: 69% Nitrogen, 22% Oxygen, 4% Carbon Dioxide, 3% Argon
Surface Temperature (Min/Mean/Max): -95 C/16 C/70C
Day Length: 28 hours
Orbital Period: 14 years
Satellites: 6
Gate Access: Martian Gate
Pathfinder Corporation Internal Memo
Code EL-33TT-Gamma
Company Security Level 1
Security Class GLENGARRY-B3
From: Gate Services Auditor Sunohara Takahashi
To: Hypercorp Relations Executive Jason Ferret
Okay, so here's the followup you asked for.
The reason we're allowing this is simple: Money. Not only does putting a brand new exoplanet on a popular vid show like this get us some cheap and easy PR, Experia is paying us for the privelege to do it. Not as much as they could, I reckon - they're aware of the fringe benefits - but money is money.
We'll send an oversight - not Oversight, one of our lads - so we'll know if they stumble into something important. For now, I'm approving the use of Mahou for their filming and granting a one-month temporary hypercorp licence.
Oh, and get in touch with the Nomenclature for Interstellar Xeno-objects. They're calling the planet Gygax in the show, and you know how NIX went absolutely apeshit bananas over the Bear Report's stunt on "Stephen Bear". See if they want to just rename the planet in advance this time, or wait and see if Gygax becomes common use, or what. Talk to Experia about it too.
Good luck. I'll send you a memo if anything comes up.
The Sword of Pandora - Vid Tropes and Idioms
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The Sword of Pandora is a Space Wizard Opera about a Gatecrashing Crew from Interstellar Civilisation with Real World Parallels. In this universe, the Consortium has evolved into the Solarion Council, a collection of actual Megacorps which rules the entire system and has expanded to several others, though Jovians, argonauts and anarchists/brinkers have also colonised their own systems. Humanity has finally made contact with an actually helpful alien race - the Qirai, a group of mystical async humanoids possibly from Earth in the distant past.
Gatecrashing Ultimate Warrior and Determinator Biff Spacepunch has made an important discovery in some alien ruins - the legend of the Sword of Pandora, a post-singularity sword that lets its wielder open a gate to anywhere at will. With the help of his Sidekick Cast Nakama - Meddling Menton Professor Pentium, Badass Normal and Brinker Octomorph Jozan and Qirai Psychic Space Wizard Payzo D'Qayle, Biff Spacepunch is determined to track down the sword - and the secrets behind the Pandora Gates - before his Old Nemesis, Smug Bear Unusually Evil Hypercorp Nemesis Akio McGonnagal.
This is one of the softer sci-fi series, and one of the most popular in recent years. Trope Namer for Alien Steampunk, What Are You, Some Kind Of Pussy?, Suddenly Buddy Cops and This Is Why Omnicor Can't Have Nice Things. Expect lots of Improbable Science, Fanservice, Alien Steampunk and Expanded Cast.
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<Access Level 4: Anonymizing Activated>
A: Kill me now.
Eos (Terrestrial/Pulsar/Sky Ark): An exotic resort for hypercorp executives aimed at currying favour with the Consortium, though its management and security leave something to be desired. Like management and security.
Type: Terrestrial
Primary Star: Pulsar
Gravity: 0.31g
Diameter: 7,500km
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.01 atm
Composition: Trace Nitrogen and Methane
Mean Surface Temperature: -170C
Day Length: 18 hours
Orbital Period: 120 days
Satellites: 0
Gate Access: Vulcanoid Gate
Star Type: Pulsar
Rotational Period: 21.51 milliseconds
Satellites: 3
Party like it's AF99!
You're just one Pandora Gate away from the Milky Way's hottest new clubbing resort! Come to Eos, where beautiful auroras flicker in the sky beneath the light of a distant nebula! Gaze in awe at the system's pulsar, promising sights unlike anything you've ever seen! Relax by the poolside as our indentured staff wait on you hand and foot or party all day and night in one of our many clubs!
The futuristic Pulsar Hotel is always open! Book now, or as part of a combined tour with Sky Ark for the perfect experience - enjoy the fantastic creatures of Sky Ark in the daylight, then party the night away under a pulsar's gaze!
It's the most unforgettable experience in the galaxy!
Field Report on Eos:: Sentinel Chika <Info Msg Rep>
Everyone just calls this place the "Party Pulsar", by the way.
So, I was on Sky Ark anyway, so Firewall asked me to book a ticket to the Party Pulsar and check it out. And here I am!
The advert isn't all hype. Most beautiful night sky I've ever seen. The actual world is unspeakably barren, but that just seemed to lend an aura of mystery to it. Maybe I'm just a romantic, who knows.
Anyway, the pulsar's stripped all its planets of their atmospheres and continues to bombard them with radiation, so the worlds here are unspeakably barren. Don't ask me who would build a Gate here. Maybe they like the sky! TerraGen did, enough to set up a resort here to try and get some more cash for their terraforming efforts. There are a lot of hypercorp execs here - rumour is TerraGen's trying to calm down elements in the Planetary Consortium pushing for them to cut their ties with Venus by pampering them. (Nobody in Pathfinder comes here without an escort, though.) Not many guys from Venus, but they're here if you look.
Party Pulsar has all the usual entertainments – gambling, relaxation, spas, pleasure simulspaces, XP casting, restaurants, nightclubs and more. I spent most of my first "day" enjoying a spa and watching the pulsar, and the night at this nice nightclub they have here with a retro theme. Whether you want to rock, relax or just fuck there's probably something here for you. You can even hire a buggy and go for a jaunt around the planet, but you can do it on Mars for cheaper.
The actual facility is nice - nothing fancy, but comfortable. Most of the decorations are just windows for the view. Apart from that, the place is a huge TerraGen advertisement - hence the Sky Ark tour packs. The Gate connects to Sky Ark anyway (one Pandora Gate away indeed!), and it takes a while to get back to Sol, so you might as well read some promotional material while you're there, right? They even had a few Earth creatures and dinosaurs running around, just so nobody forgets all the great things they've done. Kind of odd that they'd pick a lifeless world for that, but it's hard to notice.
There are some underground facilities and a research facility for the pulsar a ways away, but nothing fancy or suspicious. I think it's worth keeping an eye on this place, though. Someone should keep an eye on the hypercorp traffic and the deals they're making here.
I think I'll volunteer my services for a week or two!
<Access Level 4: Anonymizing Activated>
A: Actually, I'm pretty sure the Constellation have people here too.
B: Yeah, but I've been there and trust me, it's mostly Consortium interests. Then again, I suppose it's cheaper than building a second resort for Venusians…
C: Plus, it gives the two groups a chance to talk to each other. There's a fair amount of diplomacy here under all the partying and fucking.
D: Just went here last week and I was able to score some drugs pretty easily. Either TerraGen's really supplying every need you could possibly have or someone else is.
A: Probably nothing to be concerned about. This Firewaller might book a trip here sometime, though…
B: Wait, I could have got high?! Fuck!
Crowley (Terrestrial/M3V/Martian): Formerly an autonomist settlement and aquatic research institute linked to the Pandora Gate, this barren world was shaken up when its link shifted to the Martian Gate and Omnicor tried to start a project of its own.
Type: Terrestrial
Primary Star: M3V (Red Dwarf)
Gravity: 0.7g
Diameter: 14,500km
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.8 atm
Composition: 78% Nitrogen, 10% Oxygen, 10% Carbon Dioxide, 2% Neon
Surface Temperature: -65 C/16 C/72 C
Day Length: 36 hours
Orbital Period: 16 months
Satellites: 2
Gate Access: Martian Gate (formerly Pandora Gate)
Excerpted from Exoplanet Wiki: Crowley
Crowley is a terrestrial world noted for its modest compatibility with transhuman life and diverse marine ecology. Though it offers little of interest compared to many other exoplanets, it has still drawn interest as a research base.
Crowley's conditions are generally hospitable to transhuman life, though the air contains too much carbon dioxide and not enough oxygen to be breathable without a suitable morph or equipment. Three-quarters of its surface is ocean, and the land itself is barren, with some volcanic activity. The plains and mountains contain little life, but the coastal regions do contain plant life, amphibians and the occasional reptiles. The oceans teem with life, with much of their depths still unexplored. There are no signs of sentient life or alien visitation.
Originally accessible from the Pandora Gate, Crowley was settled in AF 7 by an autonomist research collective known as Waveform, who established the small coastal town L.O.A. to support a marine biology research initiative. Over its short years in operation it built up a large catalogue of marine life, contributed to several advances in aquatic morphs and maintained a small business selling several sea creatures as designer pets, until approximately six months ago when the exoplanet disappeared from the Pandora Gate's library.
That same week, a connection re-opened via the Martian Gate. Pathfinder Corp found L.O.A. during its initial exploration and established contact, but initially denied requests by Waveform and the population to use their gate to send and receive supplies and aid to their contacts on Titan. After a tense standoff, a compromise was reached: L.O.A. agreed to pay Pathfinder a fee for use of the gate and shared their research. In exchange, Waveform was granted research rights to Crowley's oceans, use of the Martian Gate, and an agreement not to despoil Crowley's oceans.
Since then, Pathfinder has sold research rights for the land to Omnicor. Omnicor have contracted the small research hypercorp Trans-Global Dynamics to set up a private research facility in the mountain ranges.
Currently, it is unknown whether Crowley will shift again. Though there is no evidence that Crowley will return to the Pandora Gate eventually, all parties are acting with caution.
Posted by: Mark Hoborg, argonaut <Info Msg Rep>
Crowley is a dump. There isn't much wrong with it, but unless you're a marine biologist or love blasted deserts, you better really love gatecrashing.
The first thing you'll see when you step out of the gate is a soft, light purple sky overlooking a huge expanse of barren, rocky desert and jagged hills, and maybe a couple of moons in the sky if it's night. Bland ones. You won't last long breathing the air, so hopefully you've brought breathing apparatus or a ruster, because otherwise this is will be the last thing too.
The Gate itself sits in some rocky hills about ten minutes from the shore. It's in a bad spot for Waveform, so they only ever set up an outpost to watch it; Pathfinder has added walls and a few infomorph synths with nothing better to do, though, so it's on Consortium hands now.
Is it as open as it should be? Not really.
See, Legends of Aquaman - yes, that is the name of the town - is an autonomist collective and not a Consortium pawn. And Pathfinder's real goal is to spread the Consortium's interests. Science? Nah, not really.
Once you get there, Legends of Aquaman mostly consists of sealed buildings and old tin-can modular habs, with about a third of the buildings open to the atmosphere. The main attractions are Waveform's semi-submerged facility and the Aquarius Club, the main entertainment in town and a great place to be if you want to argue genetics over a beer or watch underwater vids and XPs. Population is barely a couple hundred, mostly rusters at this point, and nearly everybody is some sort of autonomist. And a lot of them are stuck.
See, right now transport back home is through the Consortium only, and a lot of them are paranoid about stepping back onto another planet they're not a citizen of. A few of their hypercorp fears are unfounded, but if they don't wanna go, that's their problem. Everyone who wanted to leave already did, and the town gets hardly any new colonists.
It doesn't help that sometimes messages and packages to (or from) Titan and the outer system are sometimes "lost", or arrive late or edited; behind the scenes, Pathfinder has been tampering with their messages and checking packages to see if there's anything they'd like. They won't actually screw over Legends of Aquaman, but they are cheating the colony where they can.
And Omnicor?
Well, Omnicor (or rather, Trans-Global Dynamics, which is more or less their subsidiary at this point) gets free reign of the planet, of course. They tend to keep to themselves, in a sealed mountain facility a half-hour north of Legends of Aquaman. Apparently, contact with the autonomists is banned; a couple of them have snuck into the Aquarius Club to unwind, but seem afraid to do much interacting.
See, it's pretty obvious Trans-Global Dynamics is up to something there. There's a betting pool at the Aquarius Club and the good money is on energy and anti-matter research they don't want Starware to get their hands on. Some of the more anarchic hackers in town have tried to get into the systems, but they've had little luck so far.
And that's Crowley, really. Lively oceans, barren landscape. Nice town, secluded hypercorp. They're kind of tense, each testing how much the other will let them get away with, but for now, they're coexisting.
What choice do they have?
<Access Level 4: Anonymizing Activated>
A: Legends of Aquaman?
B: The Waveform don't take themselves too seriously. Two of their members are hacktivists, even: <Link>
A: Fair enough. Any chance they can get into the facility?
B: Unlikely. Apart from the security, it seems they're laying low. They are the only colony on the planet, after all. Waveform seem to think the gate will switch back and are biding their time.
C: Legends. Of Aquaman.
A: Yes. Apparently they have a good r-Rep!
D: Some of the research reports, just in case: Attached
E: Wow! This Firewaller didn't see anything about megafauna on the wiki. Problem?
D: Doubt it. The shore xenofauna are relatively simple. A few fish, amphibians, et cetera. Most aquatic xenolife uses jet propulsion and the xenofauna that have limbs tend towards six of them. A lot of armoured skin and sharp teeth, but apparently Waveform can handle it. There are even a feq aquanaut morphs there, though apparently underwater hab plans are on hold.
A: That thing is huge, though. I want one. No, wait, I want ten.
C: Most habitats would barely have room for one of those monsters. Anyway, speaking of Waveform, how can we be sure that they're not the real threat? There could be alien tech in the water for all we know.
B: Are you serious? What are they going to do? Their only link back to the solar system is through Pathfinder and their greatest achievement is little shark pets.
F: We have a high-rep contact in Legends of Aquaman. Nothing of interest yet. They've been sharing everything. No surprise there.
D: Oh, hey. Look what the cat dragged in. <Link>
F: Fuck. All right, I think we're going to have to bump this file's priority up. I can't wait for that meeting.
F: Seriously, fucking Aquaman?