Kun Marixia

Name: Kun Marixia; "Phoenix"
Faction: Ultimate
Background: Re-instantiated
Gender ID: Female
Current Morph: Fury
Motivations: +Possessions, +Ability, +Immortality
Credits: 8500
Rez: 5

Common Aptitude Tests & Gear

Melee Weapon Skill DV AP
Unarmed 70 1d10 +2 [+Shock (p.204)] 0
Densiplast Gloves 70 1d10 +4 0
Knife 25 1d10 +4 -1
Ranged Weapon Skill DV AP Modes Range Shots
Laser Pulser 95 2d10 0 SA 30/100/150/250 100
Plasma Rifle 95 3d10 +12 -8 SS 20/50/100/300 10
Particle Beam Bolter 95 2d10 +4 -2 SA 30/100/150/300 50
Stunner 95 1d10 0 SA 10/25/40/60 200
Negate all modifiers from movement. [Gyromount]
Use disabled for non-authorized users. [Safety System]
Frag Grenade [10] 70 3d10 +6 -4 SS 0 Special

Results of Standardized Ozma Testing

Base 20 15 15 10 10 15 20
Morph 0 10 0 5 0 10 5
Total 20 25 15 15 10 25 25
Trauma Threshold Lucidity Insanity Rating Wound Threshold Durability Death Rating
10 50 100 10 50 75
MOX Initiative Speed Melee Damage Bonus
2/3 60 2 2
Kinetic Armor 22/12 Body Armor (H)/Armor Vest
Energy Armor 24/9 Body Armor (H)/Armor Vest
+30 Infiltration, Invisibility [Chameleon Coating] Body Armor (H)
+10 vs. Heat/Fire [Fireproofing] Body Armor (H)
+30 vs. Liquids [Lotus Coating] Body Armor (H)
+10 vs Shock [Shock Proof] Body Armor (H)
Ozma-rep 40
Hypercorp-rep 40
Criminal-rep 25


Academics: Mathematics 60 COG
Academics: Astrophysics 60 COG
Interest: Spaceships 50 COG
Demolitions 50 COG
Medicine: Paramedic 50 COG
Profession: Security Ops 50 COG
Beam Weapons 85 COO
Infiltration 55 COO
Thrown Weapons 75 COO
Art: Architecture 45 INT
Language: Mandarin 85 INT
Language: English 50 INT
Language: Arabic 50 INT
Language: Japanese 50 INT
Language: Spanish 50 INT
Perception 60 INT
Fray 70 REF
Free Fall 40 REF
Pilot: Groundcraft 55 REF
Networking: Criminals 40 SAV
Networking: Hypercorps 70 SAV
Freerunning 55 SOM
Swimming 55 SOM
Unarmed Combat 70 SOM


Name Ambassador
Type Standard Muse
10 10 20 10 10 10 10
4 20 40 60
Academics: Psychology 60 COG
Language: French 40 INT
Language: Cantonese 40 INT
Language: Dutch 40 INT
Profession: Accounting 60 COG
Hardware: Electronics 30 COG
Infosec 30 COG
Interfacing 40 COG
Programming 20 COG
Perception 30 INT
Research 30 COG

Ego Traits

Ambidexterous (Level 1) Math Wiz (Level 1) On the Run
No off-hand penalty +20 on skill checks relating to mathematics Some organization or person is after her!

Implants & Other Gear

Implant Details

Direction Sense: (EP p. 301) Can designate a direction as north/up and it has no trouble retracing routes.
Enhanced Hearing: (EP p. 301) Hearing sensitivity is five times normal range, +20 to perception based hearing tests.
Enhanced Vision: (EP p. 301) Offers a 5x magnification, into extra spectrums and gives a +20 to perception based vision tests.
Bioweave Armor (light): (EP p. 302) Grants Morph Armor of 2/3 and can be mixed with worn armor.
Circadian Regulation: (EP p. 304) Morph only needs 2 hours of sleep a day or 4 hours of sleep in 48 hours.
Clean Metabolism: (EP p. 304) Morph is immune to most infections, has no bad breath, no scent and amore efficient digestion.
Eelware: (EP p. 304) Acts as shock gloves, and can power machines by touch.
Temperature Tolerance: (EP p. 305) Comfortable in -30 to +60 temperature
Toxin Filters (p. 300ish): Immune to toxins and poisons of all kind, can breathe smoke and drink saltwater.

Gear Details

Fiberoptic Cable: (EP p. 313) Used to establish wired connections between devices. Signal may not be intercepted. Used for privacy or in areas of radio interference.
Mission Recorder: (GC p. 155)
Cuffband: (EP p. 316) Electronically controlled smart plastic restraints. May include a shock feature (as shock baton EP p. 334)
Backup Insurance (mod): (EP p. 330) Periodic Ego backup possible stack retrieval and reinstantiation into a basic morph in the event of death. For high risk individuals.
Standard Muse: (EP p. 332) Digital personalities designed to assist a character in everyday life and work.

Body Armor (heavy) (w/ Chameleon Coating, Fireproofing, Lotus Coating, Refractive Glazing, Shock Proof)
Armor Vest
Full Helmet, Second Skin
Densiplast Gloves, Knife, Plasma Rifle (w/ Gyromount, Safety System, Smartlink)
Particle Beam Bolter (w/ Gyromount, Safety System, Smartlink)
Stunner (w/ Gyromount, Safety System, Smartlink)
Laser Pulser (w/ Gyromount, Safety System, Smartlink)
Laser Pulser
Frag Grenades (x10)
Smoke Grenades (x10)
High Explosives (x2)

(In Storage on Mars)

2x Olympian with: Implants: Direction Sense, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Bioweave Armor (light), Circadian Regulation, Clean Metabolism, Eelware, Temperature Tolerance.

Fiberoptic Cable: (EP p. 313) Used to establish wired connections between devices. Signal may not be intercepted. Used for privacy or in areas of radio interference.
Mission Recorder: (GC p. 155)
Cuffband: (EP p. 316) Electronically controlled smart plastic restraints. May include a shock feature (as shock baton EP p. 334)

Body Armor (heavy) (w/ Chameleon Coating, Fireproofing, Lotus Coating, Refractive Glazing, Shock Proof)
Densiplast Gloves, Knife, Plasma Rifle (w/ Gyromount, Safety System, Smartlink)
Particle Beam Bolter (w/ Gyromount, Safety System, Smartlink)
Stunner (w/ Gyromount, Safety System, Smartlink)


<Project Ozma - Personnel Briefing: Kun Marixia - Excerpt - Prepared by ██████████████████>

Little is known about the Hypercorp operative known as Phoenix (Kun Marixia) before she started her professional career, and even less before that. Phoenix sought us out after ███████████████████████████████████████████████. She's a rather influential and well-known Hypercorp mercenary; she probably has plenty of high-paying, easy work avaliable; we are not sure why she picked this mission. She should prove to be useful to the mission as a combat operative.

What we do know of Phoenix's background is that she was a re-instantiated consciousness brought back by ██████████████. No record of her pre-Fall identity is available. We also know that she worked as a criminal drone for a few years under ████████████████████. Some investigation seems to turn up a little about her work at the time - she was trained in her current combat abilities, and is now even blacklisted as a terrorist under the █████████████████ (Unknown if the █████████████████ is aware of her real name). After she gained enough reputation, she worked her way into Hypercorp mercenary structure, building her alias as Phoenix and doing security and bounty work.

A few worries survive our expectation of Phoenix as an operative; as far as her work goes, she seems rather blunt and direct, preferring to take direct approaches to objectives and relying on her strengths. One of the few assassination jobs we know about where she was sent to eliminate ████████████████, she destroyed the entire platform where the target was located. As such, she seems rather indifferent to collateral damage and it seems worrisome that she might not grasp the finer points of the work. We hope the other operatives are able to keep her in check. Please note that we have no face-to-face contact with her yet.

As a member of the Ultimate faction, Kun may prove unstable to use as an operative in the long run due to a high level of individuality and desired autonomy from such individuals, as well as the simple fact that they're very rare outside of the Main Belt. The psychology algorithms also picked up unusual personality traits from what little contact we have had from her.

Phoenix's abilities, particularly her ranged and athletic abilities, are well respected within the mercenary networks, even by other mercenaries. Records from her tests say that she can reliably (██%) hit a target from a distance of █████████.

Current Status

From our operatives, we know she resides on Mars, but doesn't seem to stay in one place for long. She seems to work nearly all days of the year - she takes little vacation, even though she probably makes a very wealthy living.

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