Mutations Cybernetics Drugs
Table of Contents


All drugs have an "effect," what happens when you take them, a "withdrawal," what happens when they stop having an effect on your system, and a "duration." The duration is both how long the benefits work, and how long the withdrawal works once you stop taking them. It's possible to extend a duration by taking further doses of a drug, but the effect will never become greater than that of one dose. However, for every extra dose consumed, the withdrawal duration is extended by 100% and the withdrawal effects are increased by 25%(rounded down).

All drug doses are refilled at end of mission.


Any time a drug is used, make a Willpower+Willpower check, if failed, your character is addicted to the drug and will suffer the effects of withdrawal at all times until his addiction is cured or until he's under the effect of the drug again. For every previous time that drug has been used in a one-week period, the addiction check is penalized by 1. Curing addiction requires going cold turkey for an extended period, medical intervention by a trained professional or various combinations of experimental drugs.

List of Drugs

Name Cost
"Bath Salts" 0
Buffout 2
Jet 2
Mentats 2
Pepsi X 1
Pepsi XXX 3
Pepsi Quantum 5
Psycho 1
Stimpak 2
"Super" Stimpak 5

"Bath Salts"

Effect: +1d4 Strength, +1d4 Initiative, +1d4 Constitution, -(1d4+1) Intelligence, -(1d4+1) Willpower
Duration: 12 Hours
Withdrawal: -2 Strength, -3 Initiative, -2 Dexterity

"Bath Salts" are unpredictable and made in a wide variety of ways. Not all "bath salts" have the same effects, but the general effect is to make the user stronger, faster, largely immune to pain and completely irrational. Paranoid hallucinations are also common. Some are injected, some are smoked, some are dissolved and drunk. The withdrawal effects universally make the user feel weak and enervated.


Effect: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution
Duration: 2 Hours
Withdrawal: -2 Strength

Buffout also confers a temporary increase in Life Points as a result of greatly increasing the user's Strength and Constitution. Damage suffered while under the effect of Buffout is subtracted from the temporary Life Points first.


Effect: Initiative +3, Dexterity +1
Duration: 1 Hour
Withdrawal: Initiative -3, Dex -1


Effect: +2 Intelligence, +1 Perception
Duration: 3 Hours
Withdrawal: -2 Intelligence

Pepsi X

Effect: +10 Endurance Points, +5 Rads
Duration: Instant
Withdrawal: None
Special Notes: You cannot become physiologically addicted to Pepsi products(it says so on the label).

Pepsi XXX

Effect: +30 Endurance Points, +1 Actions for the next three rounds(only applicable in combat, outside of combat, you're simply extremely fast if there's any pressing time limit or someone to impress), +20 Rads
Duration: Instant
Withdrawal: None
Special Notes: You cannot become physiologically addicted to Pepsi products(it says so on the label).

Pepsi Quantum

Effect: +20 Rads, roll 1d6 to determine random Quantum effect
Duration: Instant
Withdrawal: None
Special Notes: You cannot become physiologically addicted to Pepsi products(it says so on the label).

1-2: Your next three rolls are made twice, picking the better result.
3-4: For the next 24 hours, if you die, you don't die, instead you're in a state of quantum super-position. Roll Willpower+Willpower the next time someone observes you, if you pass the check, you somehow survive at 1 Life Point.
5-6: For the next 24 hours, you're entangled with the next person or animal you touch. You're both capable of using each others' stats on rolls, but any damage, essence or endurance expenditure applied to one, is also applied to the other.


Effect: +2 Dexterity, +1 Perception, -2 Intelligence
Duration: 1 Hour
Withdrawal: -2 Dexterity, -1 Intelligence


Effect: Allows use of crippled(but not severed) limbs like they were intact, adds temporary Life Points equal to 50% of maximum
Duration: 2 Hours
Withdrawal: All temporary life points are lost once the Stimpak's effect ends. Stacking more Stimpaks won't increase the life point loss, but will put it off. -1 Dexterity, -1 Intelligence, -1 Perception, -1 Willpower

"Super" Stimpak

Effect: Instantly restores 50% of maximum Life Points and allows use of all crippled(but not severed) limbs, also stops any bleeding. Also confers feelings of absolute invincibility.
Duration: 1 Hour
Withdrawal: -2 Willpower, -1 Intelligence

When the effect of a Super Stimpak ends, make an addiction check at a penalty of -4. Failing the check by more than 4 results in addiction as usual, failing the check by less than 4 results in no physical addiction, but makes the character obsessed with finding and hoarding more Super Stimpaks, which he will use any time he's injured, even if it's not particularly dangerous. If he has none at hand, he feels vulnerable and cowardly, if he has even just a few, he feels immortal.


By default, each body part can host one augmentation only, though it can later be replaced with another.

Name Cost
Chameleoflage 1
Ballistic Defense Weave 2
Biosuit 1
Gucci(tm) Skinweave 50
Electromagnetic Defense Grid 2
Corporate Skin Brand -2
Mechanoid Shell 3
Zeiss-Ikon Mk IV Eyes 2
Pickman Industries Special 1
Eyes of Corporate Insight 1
Aggressive Defense System 2
Evil Eye 2
Lepis Inc. Upgrade 1
Acoustic Mapping System 1
Advanced Sound System 0
Power In Misery -2
Ultra Pancreas 1
Pancreatic Pouch 1
Universal Survival Organ 2
Divine Light 1
Hunter Killer Upgrade 1
Tissue Repair Hub 1
Microfusion Reactor 1
Oxyliquid Circulator 3
Arcanotech Activation 1
Appendectomy 1
Grappendix 1
Fissile Waste Processor 1
Arm Blades 2
Muscle Weave Enhancements 2
Full Mech Arms 3
Kangaroo Muscle Weave 1
Cassowary Leg Upgrades 2
Full Mech Legs 3
Cyberskates 1
Integrated Grappling Hook 1
Integrated Toolkit 1
Pyrosigil Imprint 2
Kevlungs 2
Aqualungs 1
Microweave Lungs 2
Icarus Upgrade 1
Hardened Skeleton 2
Hollow Skeleton 1
Full Spinal Replacement 2
Skeletal Animation Graft 2
RDX Marrow 1
Prehensile Tail 1
Hope Eradicated 1
Fleshtearer 1
Killer Gland 1
Pineal Upgrade 1
Skull Gun 2
Cranial Bomb 1
Cortex Supreme 1
Divine Guidance 1
Ballistic Hypercalculator 1
Flesh Automaton 1



+4 bonus to all Stealth checks as the skin changes colour and texture to maximize the owner's ability to fade into their surroundings. -1 Constitution as the new skin leaches a number of toxic chemicals into the muscles and bloodstream.

Ballistic Defense Weave

+5 Armor(stacks with worn armor) against all sources. -1 Dexterity as the new skin is stiffer and less flexible than natural skin.


On command, your body can produce an excess of calloused, disgusting skin providing protection equal to Class II armor, but also preventing the wearing of any additional armor and encumbering you. You suffer a -5 to all Stealth checks and a -1 to Dexterity while the Biosuit is active.

Gucci(tm) Skinweave

Has no mechanical effects, but indicates that you're rich enough to look like a high-end Gucci leather bag. Impresses the exact sort of people whose opinions you should ignore.

Electromagnetic Defense Grid

Prerequisite: Microfusion Reactor

After an attack has been rolled and its damage has been determined, you may spend Essence on a 1:2 basis to reduce damage taken. Also tends to send small metal objects flying away from you at dangerous speeds when employed.

Corporate Loyalty Brand

Does not take up a Skin slot

No mechanical effects, but the brand is visible and may attract people who want to take selfies with you or fight you.

Mechanoid Shell

Prerequisite: Full Spinal Replacement

Replaces your skin and all external soft tissues with heavily armored alternatives. Armor cannot be worn on top, provides armor equal to Class IV body armor. Provides +2 Constitution, -1 Dexterity. Permanently lowers Essence by 5.


Zeiss-Ikon Mk IV Eyes

+1 Perception, has built-in zoom, night-vision and thermal imaging modes. The sensory overload gives the user a -1 to all rolls after the first round of any firefight.

Pickman Industries Special

Eyes are now on long, prehensile stalks which can telescope out of the sockets, can look around corners, through vents, under doors, etc. Looks extremely weird.

Eyes of Corporate Insight

Allows you to instantly see a person's net worth if it stands out from the average.

Aggressive Defense System

Prerequisite: Microfusion Reactor

Implants a high-powered laser system in your new cybernetic eyes.

Attacks are rolled with Dexterity+Perception, damage is 1d4*(Essence Spent/2). Anything in sight is in range, but smoke or rain may limit the laser's focus ability and reduce damage.

Evil Eye

Prerequisite: Arcanotech Activation

It turns out that it's possible to replicate a witch's curse with technology and several gallons of sacrificial blood. You may spend Essence at a 1:1 ratio to curse the next rolled action of a target in sight.


Lepis Inc. Upgrade

Ears are now capable of echolocation, allowing perfect orientation in pitch darkness. Can listen to distant conversations as long as they're in sight. Suffers double effects from a Flashbang or similar loud noise.

Acoustic Mapping System

Prerequisite: Microfusion Reactor

Spend 5 Essence to instantly map your surroundings, even through walls, via a high-powered echo pulse. Detects people even through chameleoflage, may work poorly in high-noise environments.

Advanced Sound System

No mechanical effects, but you can listen to your favourite tunes, any time, any where, there aren't even any ads.

Power In Misery

Does not take up an Ears slot

To pay for your upgrades, you've been implanted with an experimental marketing augment that will hijack all auditory sensory channels to feed you custom-made commercials at semi-random times. Natural rolls of 2 are treated as natural rolls of 1, explained by a sudden commercial deciding to intrude on your consciousness to tell you about quesadillas that are on sale somewhere.


Ultra Pancreas

Capable of digesting modern US food without ill effects.

Pancreatic Pouch

Replaces the pancreas with a handy biological storage space that can contain an extra reload for any weapon.

Universal Survival Organ

Prerequisite: Microfusion Reactor

The pancreas is replaced with a backup organ to replace any major organ that fails. If you're reduced to 0 or less Life, you instantly return to 1 Life as the USO supplies the functions of whichever organs have been removed by high-caliber ammo. For every 2 Life that the USO needs to restore to do this, lose 1 Essence.

Divine Light

Incompatible with the Flesh Automaton augment

Your brain is operating on all cylinders, you're more aware than everyone around you, you perceive yourself and others as distinct beings with motivations, dreams and hopes.

This is absolutely terrible, you're wracked with constant worries, concerns and depressive lapses. You have permanent Impostor Syndrome and worry deeply about offending others despite being a high achiever that tends to be pleasant to be around. You will never accept a compliment gracefully and you'll beat yourself up for this late into the night.

+2 Willpower, Intelligence
-2 Perception, Constitution


Hunter Killer Upgrade

The heart is upgraded with a hyper-adrenaline injector, when triggered it causes massive systemic damage(10 life points) at the cost of immediately granting another action with no multi-action penalties.

Tissue Repair Hub

+1 Constitution, the heart is now a microfactory producing tissue repair and hyper-clotting agents which saturate the bloodstream and allow the user to survive greater trauma.

Microfusion Reactor

Your Essence now doubles as battery power, allowing you to recharge your phone from a handy micro-USB socket in your wrist, as well as powering a number of charge-hungry cybernetics.

Oxyliquid Circulator

Prerequisite: Full Spinal Replacement

Your heart and blood are replaced by advanced alternatives. The comforting beating of your own humanity is now simply a soft whirr in your chest, and if cut, you instead bleed an unusual greenish liquid that fizzes as it releases its oxygen-saturation into the atmosphere. +2 Constitution, permanently lowers Essence by 5.


Arcanotech Activation

Unlocks the appendix's potential as a regulator of mana flows. The user can now access aetherial channels and use magic.

At least that's the theory. All test subjects so far have immediately burst into flames or imploded into small, perfect spheres. You haven't, though, at least not yet, making you special.


You have voluntarily chosen to discard an outdated and worthless organ, an evolutionary dead end, taking charge of your own life and advancement.

+1 Willpower, but you feel like you've missed out on something special.


The name is misleading as the former appendix is simply the anchor point for your intestines which can rapidly rocket out of your abdomen to grab hold of objects or people. If you grab a person, you have to win an opposed 1d10+Strength+Strength roll to drag them to you, otherwise you get dragged to them.

Fissile Waste Processor

Prerequisite: Microfusion Reactor

Fissile materials can now be consumed and processed by the body with (minimal) side effects. These hyperdense, high-calorie materials are expressed in all bodily tissues and can be rapidly expended to provide +1 to all stats for an hour, at the cost of gaining 15 Rads.


Arm Blades

A pair of large carbon-weave blades are capable of snapping out of your forearms for the purpose of cool party tricks or cutting enemy operatives into pieces. They're statted as Swords.

Any time you roll a natural 1 on a roll involving Dexterity, you've accidentally triggered your blades to snap out violently, ruining your sleeves and anything(or anyone) else who's a bit too close.

Muscle Weave Enhancements

Your arms are disgustingly muscular, and it's not all for show. +2 Strength for any rolls using your arms. On a natural 1 rolled for anything involving your arms or hands, you've accidentally crushed whatever you were holding. Doesn't matter what it was.

Gun? Crushed.

Heart? Crushed.

Demon core? Crushed.

Full Mech Arms

Does not take up an Arms slot

Prerequisite: Full Spinal Replacement

Replaces your arms with fully mechanized versions, granting +1 Strength and +1 Dexterity. Permanently lowers Essence by 5.


Kangaroo Muscle Weave

Your legs can now be used to make absurd bounds and leaps. You move with an odd, hopping gait that makes you easier to spot(-2 penalty to all Stealth checks), but you can effortlessly leap five times as far as an unenhanced human.

Cassowary Leg Upgrades

The lethal potential of your legs has been unlocked and your kicks now deal damage equal to a Mace. You automatically fail any stealth rolls that involve movement.

Full Mech Legs

Does not take up a Legs slot

Prerequisite: Full Spinal Replacement

Replaces your legs with fully mechanized versions, granting +1 Strength and +1 Dexterity. Permanently lowers Essence by 5.


When deployed, the cyberskates allow the owner to zoom along the ground with practically zero friction. This allows them to reach terrifying speeds, make incredible acrobatics and break their own neck slamming into a brick wall or going over the side of an overpass.

Mechanically this translates into a +4 to Dodge and Athletics, as well as a +2 to Brawl, while the skates are deployed, but any natural 1 rolled while the skates are deployed means the owner has made a catastrophic navigation error and suffers 2d4 armor-ignoring damage to a randomly chosen body part.


Integrated Grappling Hook

A small monomolecular wire reel, grappling hook and launcher are integrated into your wrists. Natural 1's on any fine manipulation rolls means you've accidentally fired your grappling hook into what you were trying to interact with. Contains 50 meters of wire.

Integrated Toolkit

+2 to any rolls that benefit from specialized tools as your fingers unfold into screwdrivers, pincers, soldering tools and a dozen other configurations. Immediately obvious to anyone if you're not wearing gloves or something similar, giving up the game that you're either the electrician they've been waiting for or a high-tech operative.

Pyrosigil Imprint

Prerequisite: Arcanotech Activation

It seems like your experimental surgery worked. Rather than teaching you how actual magic works, however, corporate warlock-engineers have simply engraved the necessary sigils deep into your tissues, allowing you to call upon them reflexively. Expend 10 Essence to launch a fiery projectile with the damage characteristics of a 40mm grenade, accuracy is determined by the Throwing skill.



Enhances your lung tissue with advanced kevlar composites, providing +5 armor to your torso(stacks with all other sources). Also gives you a unique form of asthma as your lungs no longer work quite like they should. -1 Constitution.


You can now breathe water as easily as air, works for fresh, brackish and salt water. Has no apparent drawbacks.

Microweave Lungs

Nature's work has been improved and your lungs can draw twice the oxygen from the air as the ones you were born with, providing +1 Constitution. It also means that any airborne agents have much easier access to your system and affect you twice as hard if you breathe them in.

Icarus Upgrade

Allows your lungs to inflate a pair of large, meaty sacks on your back which permit you to rise up like a hot air balloon. Any damage inflicted to your torso while this is active punctures the sacks, dropping you to the ground with a loud farting sound.


Hardened Skeleton

Doubles the damage required to cripple any limb except for the head.

Hollow Skeleton

Halves the damage required to cripple any non-limb head, however you're now light enough to survive a fall from terminal velocity simply by spreading out your limbs and maximizing your surface area. It'll still knock the wind from you, and it'll still hurt if you land on something nasty, but otherwise any fall you can see coming can't do any damage to you.

Full Spinal Replacement

The first step to becoming a full replacement cyborg, allows the fitting of completely mechanical limbs. Provides +1 Strength and Dexterity, but with the FSR in place, any heavy EMP effects must be resisted with a 1d10+Constitution roll or become unable to move for a number of rounds equal to what you missed the success by. Permanently lowers Essence by 5.

Skeletal Animation Graft

Prerequisite: Arcanotech Activation

The warlock-engineers have come up with a new idea: they've animated your skeleton and placed it under your control. You may expend 5 Essence to have your skeleton take any action simultaneously with yours, with no multiple-action penalties. Your skeleton has 0 in all mental stats and the same score as you in all physical stats, but no skills.

Prehensile Tail

Does not take up a Skeleton slot

Lengthens the spine and provides an additional limb. This may be fuzzy, scaly, chitinous or entirely mechanical. It lacks fingers, and thus can't be used for some types of fine manipulation, but improves balance and agility at the cost of enlarging the owner's profile and making them easier to spot.

+2 Dodge, -1 Stealth.

RDX Marrow

Does not take up a Skeleton slot

Prerequisite: Cranial Bomb

Replaces the marrow of your bones with insensitive high-explosives that will detonate when the cranial bomb does, adding sharp bone shards to your detonation, equal to being hit by a .50 bullet for anyone within the blast radius.

Hope Eradicated

Does not take up a Skeleton slot

Corporate has identified a subset of employees and consumers as revelling in challenges and enjoying smashing their heads against the same difficulty over and over again, tests have identified you as one of these and therefore you have been earmarked to enjoy the augment with the code name Hope Eradicated.

You take double damage from all sources, but upon death will always be stitched together by high-quality corporate rescue services to try again another day. This service usually takes a week, preventing you from immediately participating in the same mission again. Don't ask where the spare tissues come from.


Does not take up a Skeleton slot

Generally used by mercenaries who want to intimidate their opponents, but occasionally used for legitimate combat purposes. Provides a maw full of sharp, nasty teeth and the jaw muscles/bones necessary to tear flesh, crush bone. In addition to increasing your dietary options, it also allows you to do 1d6*Strength damage with a bite.


Killer Gland

You enjoy killing. Any time you kill another human, you gain +5 Essence up to your maximum. Peacefully bypassing an enemy you could have killed with no (immediate) consequences costs 5 Essence, at 0 Essence it requires a 1d10+Willpower roll to not attempt the next murder you can get away with.

Pineal Upgrade

Does not take up a Brain slot

They say the Pineal Gland is the root of psychic power. Whether that's true or not, the scientists have meddled with yours for science reasons. It definitely makes your dreams a lot more vivid.

Skull Gun

A .50 cal cannon implanted in your head, contains 10 bullets. The first shot causes 10 points of damage to your head as it messily blasts its way out of your skull, showering everyone in bone fragments and chunks of your scalp.

Cortex Supreme

Your brain has been improved via the most brute force solution: adding more brain.

+1 Intelligence, but due to your grossly swollen skull, random rolls of 4 on the hit table also hit your head rather than your torso.

May provide psychic powers or may just prevent you from ever getting a date again.

Divine Guidance

Prerequisite: Arcanotech Activation

Finding the seat of willpower in the brain has proven impossible, so instead the warlock-engineers have simply enslaved a low-rank celestial being into a high-purity diamond and implanted it in your brain, allowing it to veto some of your worse and more selfish ideas.

Provides +1 Willpower, any attempt to do something that violates the Ten Commandments costs 1 point of Essence. If your Essence is 0 or less, you may not do these things.

Ballistic Hypercalculator

Prerequisite: Microfusion Reactor

Before rolling any ranged attack, you may spend Essence at a 2:1 ratio to provide a bonus to your roll. The manual says that the dumping of excess heat from the new calculator grids into your soft brain tissues have not been proven to cause any damage.

Cranial Bomb

Does not take up a Brain slot

Replaces a large part of your brain with explosive material. Either at will, or when the implant detects that your heart has stopped, it will start a ten-second countdown before exploding like a mortar shell.

Flesh Automaton

Does not take up a Brain slot

The parts of your brain concerned with the upper part of Mazlowe's Hierarchy of Needs, essentially anything above "food" and "water" have been aggressively dulled, leaving you happy to stand around in absolute boredom for long periods of time. You feel little reason to investigate potentials, what-ifs, maybes or theoreticals. Aside from making you an extremely boring person, the upshot of this is also that you're excellently suited for most kinds of aggressive and military work and can be paid in high-quality kibble as your body's dopamine system largely dispenses it in response to high-calorie, high-vitamin nutrition and clean water.

+1 Strength, Perception
+2 Constitution
-2 Willpower, Intelligence

Psychic Powers

All psychic powers require buying the Pineal Upgrade augmentation first.

Name Cost
Mind Bullet 1
Bulletstorm 1
Iron Bands 1
Suppress Combustion 1
Weather Control 1
Ice Shard 1
Adrenaline Flood 1
Regeneration 1
Synaptic Shutdown 1
Gateway 1
Telefrag 1
Invert Gravity 1
Sense Vibes 1
Mostly Harmless 1
Energy Vampirism 1


Mind Bullet

Use Cost: 5 Essence
Effect: Hits a target with a projectile made of compressed air and small shrapnel, with an effect like a 9mm bullet. Uses Perception+Throw to hit.


Use Cost: 10 Essence
Effect: Whips around all loose objects in an area at random, high-speed trajectories, with an effect like an Offensive Grenade. Uses Perception+Throw to hit.

Iron Bands

Use Cost: 10 Essence
Effect: Attempts to immobilize a target by pinning their limbs in place with telekinetic force. User's Willpower*2 vs target's Strength*2.


Suppress Combustion

Use Cost: 5 Essence
Effect: Prevents combustion in a small area, stopping a conventional engine dead or preventing a firearm from working. Effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to the successes rolled on a Willpower+Science check.

Weather Manipulation

Use Cost: 10 Essence.
Effect: Lowers temperatures in the area strategically to change weather patterns, causing high winds, snow or rapidly freezing standing water. Effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to the successes rolled on a Willpower+Science check.

Ice Shard

Use Cost: 5 Essence.
Effect: Condenses ambient water into a nasty ice shard that can then be projected at high speeds towards a target. Does damage equal to a 9mm bullet, Throwing+Perception are used to hit.


Adrenaline Flood

Use Cost: 5 Essence.
Effect: An alerted target can ignore all injuries for the duration, even fighting into deep negative Life before collapsing, and gains +2 Strength and Constitution for the duration. An unalerted target collapses into spasming cramps. Target must be touched. Lasts for a number of minutes equal to a Willpower+Doctor check.


Use Cost: 10 Essence.
Effect: Initiates the target's bodily self-repair mechanisms at high speed, even to heal injuries that would normally scar. Heals a number of injuries equal to the successes on a Willpower+Doctor roll, starting with the worst injured body parts, then affecting head, torso and limbs in order of descending priority.

Synaptic Shutdown

Use Cost: 10 Essence.
Effect: Causes a touched target's body to decide that it's extremely tired and would like to nap now. An opposed check between the target's Constitution+Willpower and the user's Willpower+Doctor.



Use Cost: 10 Essence
Effect: Opens a gap in space allowing for instant transport to the other side. The distance covered is 10 meters times the number of successes on a Willpower+Science roll. Both ends of the Gateway must be within that range, the Gateway can have any orientation but must not intersect and existing object.


Use Cost: 25 Essence.
Effect: Attempts to teleport an object into a space already occupied by another object, usually resulting in a messy "transporter accident" that invariably destroys one or both objects. Requires a Willpower+Science roll to succeed, living targets may resist with a Perception+Dodge roll to get away at the last second.

Invert Gravity

Use Cost: 10 Essence.
Effect: Inverts the effects of gravity for a human-sized target for a number of minutes equal to the successes rolled on a Willpower+Science check. Aware targets with free limbs may make a contested Perception+Dexterity roll to grab a hold of something before they vanish upwards.


Sense Vibes

Use Cost: 5 Essence
Effect: Allows the user to get a general feel for an object or area. Perhaps if a code pad is used by hundreds of people a day, the Meta-Empath can read the code off it. Perhaps if an area frequently contains emotional events, the Meta-Empath can witness some of the emotional imprints left over. Requires a Perception+Survival roll, more successes acquire more precise images. One or two successes tend to be dreamlike and unclear, while three or more tend to be razor sharp.

Mostly Harmless

Use Cost: 5 Essence.
Effect: If the user isn't doing anything openly aggressive, like pointing a gun at someone, they radiate an aura of harmlessness, leading just about anyone they encounter to ask questions first and shoot later. They may still take the character into custody, but unless they're a very special kind of sociopath usually will handle them gently and won't be too guarded. Requires a Perception+Smooth Talking check, and can affect one target per success.

Energy Vampirism

Use Cost: 5 Essence
Effect: Allows the user to aggressively bore someone, leeching their psychic energies. The target must be engaged in conversation and be in the same general area as the user. For every success on a Smooth Talking+Willpower roll, the victim is drained of 5 points of Essence. Victims reduced to 0 Essence will pass out.


Upon hitting your mutation threshold, roll 1d10 on the Minor Mutations table. If you have Unstable Genetics, roll twice and take your preferred outcome. For every previous mutation you have, add +1 to the roll. If you already have Major mutations, add +3 to the roll.

Minor Mutations
# Name Effect
1 Extra Digit Gain an extra toe or finger. No mechanical effect.
2 Third Eye Gain another eye. Gain +1 Perception for every extra two eyes gained. Makes you more vulnerable to flashbangs, and non-custom headwear negates the bonus.
3 Strange Colour Hair or skin turns a weird, garish colour. -1 Stealth, +1 Smooth-Talking
4 No Skin Your skin and hair rots off, giving you a weird, ghoulish appearance. -1 Smooth-Talking, +1 Intimidation
5 Antennae Can no longer wear any sort of headgear, -1 Smooth-Talking, -1 Stealth, +1 Perception
6 Massive You swell with strange and disconcerting lumps of meat and fat. -1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution
7 No Teeth Lose all teeth, you can now only consume liquids. No mechanical effect.
8 Oozing You start secreting a thick slime instead of sweat. Disgusting, but has no mechanical effect.
9 Strong Scent Your body odor becomes stronger and more distinct. Animals that track by scent can find you more easily.
10 Major Mutation Roll on the Major Mutations table instead.

The first time you gain a Major Mutation, roll on the Intro Table. For all subsequent mutations, roll on the appropriate type table.

Major Mutations Intro Table
# Name Effect
1 Reptile Become more lizard-like.
2 Ooze Become more slime-like.
3 Cephalopod Become more squid-like.
4 Avian Become more bird-like.
5 Insectoid Become more bug-like.
6 Arachnid Become more spider-like.
7 Chimera Become more predatory.
8 Plantae Become more plant-like.
9 Alpha Become more superior.
10 Fish Become more aquatic.


# Name Effect
1 Reptile Become more lizard-like.
2 Ooze Become more slime-like.
3 Cephalopod Become more squid-like.
4 Avian Become more bird-like.
5 Insectoid Become more bug-like.
6 Arachnid Become more spider-like.
7 Chimera Become more predatory.
8 Plantae Become more plant-like.
9 Alpha Become more superior.
10 Wild Card Roll on the intro table again to gain a mutation from another type.


# Name Effect
1 Reptile Become more lizard-like.
2 Ooze Become more slime-like.
3 Cephalopod Become more squid-like.
4 Avian Become more bird-like.
5 Insectoid Become more bug-like.
6 Arachnid Become more spider-like.
7 Chimera Become more predatory.
8 Plantae Become more plant-like.
9 Alpha Become more superior.
10 Wild Card Roll on the intro table again to gain a mutation from another type.


# Name Effect
1 Reptile Become more lizard-like.
2 Ooze Become more slime-like.
3 Cephalopod Become more squid-like.
4 Avian Become more bird-like.
5 Insectoid Become more bug-like.
6 Arachnid Become more spider-like.
7 Chimera Become more predatory.
8 Plantae Become more plant-like.
9 Alpha Become more superior.
10 Wild Card Roll on the intro table again to gain a mutation from another type.


# Name Effect
1 Raptor Reflexes +2 to Initiative rolls.
2 Hollow Bones -1 to Constitution.
3 Feathers Gain feathers across your entire body, +2 natural armor(stacks with all other sources, covers all locations). -1 to all Stealth rolls.
4 Wings Gain a pair of large, feathery wings. You're too heavy to fly, but you can glide and avoid being hurt by falls if there's enough space to unfold them. If you also have Hollow Bones, you can use them to make extended, flapping jumps as well.
5 Eagle Eyed +1 to Perception.
6 Hand Talons -2 to Dexterity rolls involving tool use(hand-held weapons, lockpicking, etc.) but your unarmed attacks count as a Large Knife.
7 Beak -2 to Smooth Talking, +2 to Intimidation, you can peck people like an attack with a Small Knife.
8 Foot Talons You can no longer wear shoes or boots, but your kicks now do damage like a Large Knife as you rake and cut people with your massive talons.
9 Swift On any turn, make an extra unarmed attack without a multiple action penalty.
10 Wild Card Roll on the intro table again to gain a mutation from another type.


# Name Effect
1 Reptile Become more lizard-like.
2 Ooze Become more slime-like.
3 Cephalopod Become more squid-like.
4 Avian Become more bird-like.
5 Insectoid Become more bug-like.
6 Arachnid Become more spider-like.
7 Chimera Become more predatory.
8 Plantae Become more plant-like.
9 Alpha Become more superior.
10 Wild Card Roll on the intro table again to gain a mutation from another type.


# Name Effect
1 Reptile Become more lizard-like.
2 Ooze Become more slime-like.
3 Cephalopod Become more squid-like.
4 Avian Become more bird-like.
5 Insectoid Become more bug-like.
6 Arachnid Become more spider-like.
7 Chimera Become more predatory.
8 Plantae Become more plant-like.
9 Alpha Become more superior.
10 Wild Card Roll on the intro table again to gain a mutation from another type.


# Name Effect
1 Reptile Become more lizard-like.
2 Ooze Become more slime-like.
3 Cephalopod Become more squid-like.
4 Avian Become more bird-like.
5 Insectoid Become more bug-like.
6 Arachnid Become more spider-like.
7 Chimera Become more predatory.
8 Plantae Become more plant-like.
9 Alpha Become more superior.
10 Wild Card Roll on the intro table again to gain a mutation from another type.


# Name Effect
1 Reptile Become more lizard-like.
2 Ooze Become more slime-like.
3 Cephalopod Become more squid-like.
4 Avian Become more bird-like.
5 Insectoid Become more bug-like.
6 Arachnid Become more spider-like.
7 Chimera Become more predatory.
8 Plantae Become more plant-like.
9 Alpha Become more superior.
10 Wild Card Roll on the intro table again to gain a mutation from another type.


# Name Effect
1 Reptile Become more lizard-like.
2 Ooze Become more slime-like.
3 Cephalopod Become more squid-like.
4 Avian Become more bird-like.
5 Insectoid Become more bug-like.
6 Arachnid Become more spider-like.
7 Chimera Become more predatory.
8 Plantae Become more plant-like.
9 Alpha Become more superior.
10 Wild Card Roll on the intro table again to gain a mutation from another type.


# Name Effect
1 Reptile Become more lizard-like.
2 Ooze Become more slime-like.
3 Cephalopod Become more squid-like.
4 Avian Become more bird-like.
5 Insectoid Become more bug-like.
6 Arachnid Become more spider-like.
7 Chimera Become more predatory.
8 Plantae Become more plant-like.
9 Alpha Become more superior.
10 Wild Card Roll on the intro table again to gain a mutation from another type.
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