Player: Symmetry
Thorgood Brannon
Lawful Good Human Paladin 6
Experience: 36000
Age: 17
Height: 5'11'' (180cm)
Weight: 165 (75kg)
Religion: Ray of Arrano
Ability Scores
Strength: 12
- Weight Allowance: 45
- Damage: 0
- Max Press: 140
- Hit Probability: 0
- Damage Adjustment: 0
- Open Doors: 7
- Bend Bars/Lift Gate: 4%
Dexterity: 10
- Reaction Adjust: 0
- Missile Attack Adjust: 0
- Defense Adjust: 0
Constitution: 12
- System Shock: 80%
- Resurrection Survival: 85%
Intelligence: 9
- Languages: 1
- Illusion Immunity: None
Wisdom: 14
- Magical Defense Adjustment: 0
- Spell Immunity: None
Charisma: 17
- Max Henchmen: 10
- Loyalty Base: 6
- Reaction Adjustment: +6
Hit Points: 60
- 5 (no shield)
- 4 (with shield)
THAC0: 16
Movement Speed: 12
Attacks: 1/round
Bastard Sword
- 1d8/2d4 slashing damage
- Speed factor 6/8, 10 lbs, Medium size
- 2d4 bludgeoning damage
- Speed factor 7, 12 lbs, Medium size
- 1d6 piercing damage
- Speed factor 7, 2 lbs, Medium/Small size
Heavy Lance
- 1d8+1 piercing damage
- Speed factor 8, 15 lbs, Large size
- Must be used mounted on a Large size or larger mount
- Chain Mail Armor
- Medium Shield
Saving Throws
Paralyze/Poison: 11
Rod/Staff/Wand: 12
Petrify/Polymorph: 13
Breath Weapon: 13
Spell: 14
- +2 to all saving throw rolls
- Detect evil at will, one round per attempt, 60 foot range
- Immune to disease
- Lay on hands once per day, 2 HP per level
- Cure disease once per week per 5 levels
- 10-foot protection aura: summoned and evil creatures receive -1 on attack rolls. Noticeable to creatures within aura
- Turn undead as a Cleric 2 levels lower
- Has a magnificent steed
- Casts Priest spells at level 9
- Giant Eagle
Weapon Proficiencies
- Bastard Sword, One-Handed
- Bastard Sword, Two-Handed
- Morningstar
- Shortbow
- Heavy Lance
Nonweapon Proficiencies
- Common
Bastard Sword
Heavy lance
100 sheaf arrows
100 flight arrows
Medium Shield
Chain Mail Armor
Holy Symbol
Holy Vestments
Normal clothes
Metal pot
Outdooring backpack
Dutch oven
Dried food
1 flask oil
100 feet silk rope
2 x 2 yard oiled canvas
Light blanket
Betsy, Giant Eagle
- AC: 7
- MV: 3 G, Fl 48 (D)
- HD: 4
- Attacks: Talon/talon/beak
- Damage: 1d6/1d6/2d6
- Morale: Elite (13)
Betsy is Thorgood's faithful companion, his steed, his protector, and his best friend. They maintain a psychic bond that allows them to communicate, and the two of them look out for each other through thick and thin. To tame a giant eagle and make it your steed is one of the greatest tasks a paladin of Arrano can achieve, and they make ideal partners for life.